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  1. Vedran Yoweri

    Dash Nation Consensus Discussion

    Had there been a troll button next to the like button i would have been hitting it like a mf pages ago. Seriously guys, respect.
  2. Vedran Yoweri - warning

    "People who suggest trusting webwallets".
  3. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    True, but if the likes of them start at DASH i think we will have a tough time to survive. My main concern here is trolls and thieves, they use these tacticts.
  4. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    The author was a guest in this podcast:
  5. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    Maybe, but first let's try to tackle the trolls and thieves. After that we fund our own counter-intelligence department and take on GCHQ and the corps. :what:
  6. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    Maybe it's very on-topic. Maybe the mentioned story is about these kinds of discussion tactics. But what do i know. :smile:
  7. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    I think it's just more FUD. Nice example.
  8. Vedran Yoweri

    Risk - Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGB) - Subversive Activity

    "Anyone with experience in extended, unconventional conflict should be able to recognize current patterns in the Bitcoin and digital currency space that resemble subversive activity."
  9. Vedran Yoweri

    Dash Partnership with Transform PR

    I think this is just the next phase of trolling for DASH. The old movement were identified almost immediately by strangers so they had to change tactics. They moved among us and did 'positive' things for DASH, for a while. And the friendly community you guys and girls welcomed them We just...
  10. Vedran Yoweri

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience

    No, not needed. And then? Money gone. Reputation down the drain. Getting enough people to disable a running budget will be a troll infested war we should try to avoid.
  11. Vedran Yoweri

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience

    Excuse me, some thoughts. 300.000 USD? 99 payments? I hope this is a test to gouge the robustness of the user base. :) My vote would be no. Maybe it's more efficient to utilize budget resources to the advancement of the DAPI and related DASH tech. This would make it very easy to integrate DASH...