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  1. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Euro Finance Week 2018 November 12 @ 0:00 - November 15 @ 0:00 The 21st Euro Finance Week will open its doors in Frankfurt this November. Over four days, the high-profile conference will be dedicated to the latest trends and topics from the financial and banking world. The opening event of...
  2. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Blockchance Conference August 24 @ 9:00 - August 25 @ 18:00 The BLOCKCHANCE Conference 2018 follows the motto “The Future of the Economy”. It aims at providing a platform for discussions about knowledge, experience and achievements. The conference will also provide insights into the universe...
  3. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Our latest blog posts: First Vienna Infotalk on “Cryptocuurrencies” at the Café Hummel 10. July 2018 Christina Hummel, chairman of the Association of Viennese Coffee House Owners, welcomed her colleagues from the industry on June 18 in the Café Hummel to discuss the opportunities offered by...
  4. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Every year the K5 brings representatives from eCommerce and trade together. It was therefore the perfect stage to introduce the audience to Dash as an alternative payment method. Jan Heinrich Meyer and Rafael Schultz, the founder and co-founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, made new contacts and...
  5. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Bitcoin – for some it’s the hottest topic for the future, for others it’s a book with seven seals. Anyone who wants to ask questions, wants to know how cryptocurrencies work or wants to learn more about the legal and tax framework will now have the opportunity to...
  6. Orion

    Dash Lara Venezuela: Presenting BITCORPVE.COM, DASH MAN and more projects

    Do you think there is maybe really a way to get him on board with Dash? ;)
  7. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

    The Investment Club Regensburg (ICR) invited the Dash Embassy D-A-Ch to talk about Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies using the example of Dash and to discuss alternative payment systems and their potential with an interested audience. The Investment Club Regensburg e.V. is the first organization at...
  8. Orion

    Pre-Proposal Vaultoro to implement DASH

    I think the price sounds reasonable for becoming the first Altcoin supported by this important exchange. :)
  9. Orion

    Pre Proposal - Open and use 300 (approx.) new Dash wallets through Event in Brisbane Australia

    The price sounds very reasonable. Through TravelbyBit 10% of all Dash accepting merchants are from Australia and half of those are from Brisbane. Therefore I think telling the local population about Dash could really lead to some real world adoption.
  10. Orion

    Mises Event - San Francisco Seminar on the Future of Money

    I promissed the Mises Institute that I send them some Dash if they implement it. And I think this would be the best way to fulfill my promise.
  11. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    An interview with Jan Heinrich Meyer (@essra) was published at For those of you who are not familiar with the German language: He talked about the differences between Dash and Bitcoin, why Dash is better than Fiat and the role the Dash Embassy plays in growing the Dash ecosystem in...
  12. Orion

    Base58 im Interview mit Jan Heinrich Meyer

    Gideon Gallasch führte für Base58 ein Interview mit Jan Heinrich Meyer (@essra) von der DASH Embassy D-A-CH.
  13. Orion

    Pre-Budget Proposal: The Liberate Your Mind 56 City U.S. Tour

    Are the videos daily? So we are talking about 85 videos shared by a Facebook site with 8,7 Million likes for just 45 Dash? That sounds very reasonable. What mobile phone do you use for your videos? Maybe it would be good to invest in a mobile phone with the best possible camera and faster...
  14. Orion

    PRE: Radio+1. Second round funding proposal.

    You're right @demo, I should have used your site. It's very helpful. But I was also right with my data but my assumption was wrong. I looked at 100 Masternodes on Dash Ninja that voted NO between March 26 and 31 and only 10 of them voted for Ben Swann. So I only looked at half of the 203...
  15. Orion

    PRE: Radio+1. Second round funding proposal.

    You can take a look at the Masternodes that voted against you on Dash Ninja. I have looked through 100 that voted against you between March 26 and 30. Almost none of them voted on the Ben Swann Proposal at all. Only 10 of those 100 voted for him and 2 voted against him. I had no time to look...
  16. Orion

    Dash at the Crypto Assets Conference (CAC)

    Dash sponsored the Crypto Assets Conference (CAC) that took place February 26/27 in Frankfurt, Germany. Jan Heinrich Meyer from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team gave a talk about that was released today on YouTube. If you want to take a closer look at the Crypto Assets Conference, you can visit...
  17. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    Here are some pictures from the Cryptocurrency World Expo that took place in Berlin March 21-22. Rafael Schultz (Blockchainpunk) from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH attended the event and met many representatives of the Blockchain industry. I have added the link if you want to know more about the...
  18. Orion

    Three major German news outlets report about DASH and the DASH Embassy D-A-CH

    I have seven more sites to show you that published about the Dash Embassy today. The biggest site is with an Alexa ranking of 611 for Germany and 820 for Austria...
  19. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    I have seven more sites to show you that published about the Dash Embassy today. The biggest site is with an Alexa ranking of 611 for Germany and 820 for Austria...
  20. Orion

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018 - Update March + NEW PROPOSAL Q2/2018

    If you want some more numbers: If we look at the Alexa rankings of the 14 sites that have shared this text today this one is the most important: