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  1. Syntheist

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Let me preface this by saying that the documentaries of the festival are taking longer to produce than I had planned, partly because the sponsorship paid for them the capture much more footage, so while this is the final report there is still more content to be posted and I will be providing...
  2. Syntheist

    Dash Watch Pre-proposal

    I spent over an hour talking to @paragon and he walked me through the pre-alpha site through sharing his screen. I can say that both as a proposal owner and someone interested in the health of the Dash ecosystem this is an amazing tool and deserves your attention and support. In my opinion...
  3. Syntheist

    Where is Charlie Shrem's DashPayCard?

    Currently multisig addresses are not valid for treasury proposals. If this can be changed then it would make it easier to do a simple form of on-chain escrow. 2/3 multisig isn't a guarantee that proposals will be delivered as there still remains the possibility of coercion, collaboration or...
  4. Syntheist

    dash transaction price is now nearing 4 cents emergency

    Anyone responsible for the development of a wallet will have to wait until the reduced fee is locked in and then activated by the network. This will take around 4 weeks because it relies on the majority of nodes, miners and MNs to upgrade to 12.2
  5. Syntheist

    Proposal: Adverts on Radiolab

    Radiolab Update 17/10/31 Overall Status The adverts are still running on Radiolab and the website. They are still attracting a relatively low click through rate however there have been two spikes in visitors on the last two Thursdays. WNYC has not responded to...
  6. Syntheist

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Circus City Update 17/10/29 Overall Status The Festival is has now finished, it was a huge success and we are moving on to the evaluation of the proposal. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period 179 Dash wallets installed 400 Drinks sold using Dash...
  7. Syntheist

    Dash Instant @ Circus City (Interviews)

    It was a real pleasure having @dashinstant attend the Dash Help Desk and festival. I think the interviews give a great insight into the ideas and ambitions of the proposal.
  8. Syntheist

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Circus City Update 17/10/22 Overall Status The festival and help desk are now running. The 90% the drinks at the bar are being purchased using Dash. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period Dash Instant has created a playlist of interviews: 103 wallets...
  9. Syntheist = terrible experience

    Funds are moved to cold storage and that causes the delay? Cool story, bro. I can see that the Dash I sent was confirmed and that the delay has nothing to do with cold storage because most of those coins never left the hot wallet address they were sent to, here the second set of coins I sent...
  10. Syntheist = terrible experience

    Following up a negative report from an artist about's Dash wallet I decided to investigate the wallet myself. It is beyond terrible. If this wallet is a person's first experience of Dash it will turn them away in droves. This is not an app that anyone should be using: 1. It...
  11. Syntheist

    Proposal: Adverts on Radiolab

    Here is a breakdown of the sources of traffic for the radiolab adverts. Although the overall volume remains low the quality of sources of traffic is high.
  12. Syntheist

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Circus City Update 17/10/15 Overall Status The festival and help desk are now running. The majority of the drinks at the bar are being purchased using Dash. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period Dash Instant attending to conduct interviews Help desk...
  13. Syntheist

    Unifying Fiat Price Data

    Is it possible to establish a standard for fiat exchange rate data across wallet apps? Every wallet I've used seems to draw its price data from a different source, this means that if I send £5 from the Hash Engineering wallet on android the Dash Foundation wallet on iOS displays £5.27.
  14. Syntheist

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Sure thing~:
  15. Syntheist

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Hello, thanks for your work on this @aarellanes and sorry for the delay replying. Because the meetup was so small this time I didn't think it would be eligible but I'll send you the details just in case. How many people were at the meet up, including yourself? Just 4 this time. When was your...
  16. Syntheist

    Proposal: Adverts on Radiolab

    Radiolab Update 17/09/30 Overall Status The adverts are being delivered and we are seeing a constant click through rate (CTR) for the campaign, bringing a high percentage of 1st time visitors to My original goal of 2% was based on search adverts, the...
  17. Syntheist

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Circus City Update 17/09/03 Overall Status The start of Circus City is approaching and everything is ready to go. A huge amount of publicity material has been created and distributed across the city with all of it presenting the Dash logo. Progress and Achievements...
  18. Syntheist

    Not enough for full node, what to do then?

    There are a number of masternode share services, you have to give the Dash over to them so you are exposed to the risk of it being lost if they are hacked or physically compromised. You could also form a company with a bunch of others and run your own shared masternode, sadly masternodes do not...
  19. Syntheist

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    No, I decided to run some a meet up off my own back. The idea was to build up my skills in talking about Dash and how to use it and to create a base of prime interested in it before the festival started. For the Circus City proposal there will be a dedicated team of people working to introduce...
  20. Syntheist

    Proposal: Adverts on Radiolab

    I have created a page on to host the audio resources for anyone who wants to use them for their own podcast with two versions: UK formal and US conversational I have also translated the scripts so you can record them in your own language...