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  1. A

    Please Beware of this site ""

    It's a scam site. Don't send any money or coins to them. I went through with a Paypal purchase, because I knew it would be refunded, and a few weeks went by without hearing anything. Then I contacted them several times, and eventually they said they couldn't send my order, and then had them...
  2. A

    Please Beware of this site ""

    That would really be nice. I just read that a scam site opened up as baikalminers(.)com, while the real site is Have to be so careful these days! All of their socials are literally the same, but they add the s on the end, which can be difficult to detect! Luckily the sites are...
  3. A

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    It's a scam, it's the same people who operated the as-shop(.)su from Russia. Their Costa Mesa address is exactly the same as theirs use to be. They didn't even put an effort into changing things. Thanks for the message. I had already assumed that was the case, and sorry your friend lost money...
  4. A

    Please Beware of this site ""

    Good call Davis. Looks fishy, and smells fishy. Especially since they are carrying a few products on the site, which have been proven to be fake companies. I'm going to contact them purely out of humour. Will report back any worthy findings. :D
  5. A

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Thanks mrearthbound. I've contacted a seller on Alibaba (they request contact, and don't offer a 'Buy' option), even though I would prefer to avoid this route. Do you (or anyone) have any experience using Alibaba or AliExpress? Any personal info aside from reading online reviews would be much...
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    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Hi everyone, I hope it is okay that I'm posting this question in this thread. (I'm a noob) I'm currently looking to purchase a Baikal Giant A900, but nearly everywhere appears to be sold out. I have followed up with: AsicMinerMarket - Sold Out (E-mailed requesting restocking dates) EastShore -...