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  1. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I have also found it problematic to have conversations about Darkcoin with people. I can just see in their faces where their mind just went. When learning people about crypto in general I'm careful about even mentioning Darkcoin as this InstantXly closes their mind to all these new ideas.. I...
  2. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I found this rather sexually explicit :rolleyes:
  3. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I liked that one, except for the fact that it's refering to a video about Bitcoin.. :confused: If we believe we are a serious contender, we better start acting like one.
  4. P

    Masternode Payment Variance

    Why did we ever move away from the random masternode election algorithm to the use of the reference node with round robin again?
  5. P

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    I remember people suggesting this early on in this project, and I really liked the idea, but it seems to have been lost along the way: Put a quick send feature in the overview tab! I remember that I instantly fell in love with this design: Also I had some ideas regarding functionality and...
  6. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Sure, I just meant for the official logo.
  7. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I guess you would have to ask the creator of the logo :)
  8. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    That doesn't look bad, but imo we should keep the lighter blue color; it catches the eye better and looks less nefarious.
  9. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Damn right we do! :grin: Good job!
  10. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I agree, we should get some designs by professionals as well (Maybe we have already? You never know who is in this community..). I'm just saying this is the one I instantly fell in love with, and I think the D, backwards C with a dash in it, is genius :grin:
  11. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Changing the logo later will cause the old logo to follow Dash into the future. I even still see the oldest Darkcoin logo pop up sometimes.. I think publicity and awareness about the name change is the way to go.
  12. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Wow, I'm really impressed with the quality work :eek:
  13. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    As we are rebranding it's actually important to fix it all at the same time. Not fixing it now and waiting is a can of worms imho. As much as I loved the old logo back when we changed to it: Now this currency has grown up and needs something more soothing to the eye. I put my favorite suggestion...
  14. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    And to the people that want to keep the old logo.. Please look at it for a while and you will realize it isn't really that great..
  15. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I don't even know what to say, lol, you're awesome :grin:
  16. P

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I really like the logo as well! It fits right in with the logo of Visa and other similar brands; Simple, catches the eye, angled to make it appear moving and not too much going on so it looks good scaled down. I honestly think this logo is perfect! :smile: Credits to Salkenex over at...
  17. P

    v0.11.2.x Testing

    +1 mndb.dat is way less conflicting than masternodes.dat I imagine loads of people have named their wallet masternodes.dat after start-many came :)