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  1. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    Our 2nd Integration is out now :-)
  2. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    Again another Wolf Theiss Legal Crypto Event where Dash was there and did Q&A. This 5 hour event Series is over as i know for now. Next time we got all our Marketing Materials and booth we will also be way more visible present. Nevertheless around 10 out of 70 people where very interested in...
  3. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  4. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    The May Report from our PR-Agency Hoschke & Consorten:
  5. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  6. SimontheRavager

    Is DASH a "Security" as defined by SEC? just read page 26 :) @dashly
  7. SimontheRavager

    DCG Budget Planning Update

    @InhumanPerfection true, the budget is fully eaten up and one smaller proposal has to go then.
  8. SimontheRavager

    DCG Budget Planning Update

    Good to know that as we at the Dash Embassy D-A-CH need to plan our proposals accordingly too.
  9. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    CONDA ICO with Dash as Payment is online >> I have tested it and it works pretty awesome :-)
  10. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    We now got the numbers from Conda for the ICO Pitch Night. Over 100 people where there :) 12 wallets got installed by me, nice over 10%.
  11. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  12. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  13. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  14. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018
  15. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update June + NEW PROPOSAL Q3/2018

    Welcome fellow Dash Community! We will provide you our latest updates here for the month of June for our currently running Q2 proposal + our new coming Q3 Proposal. You can also just look into our detailed Presentation as PDF file to get all the important infos...
  16. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update May

    and more infos to our conference attendences:
  17. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update May
  18. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update May
  19. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update May

    and the next interview :-)
  20. SimontheRavager

    Dash Embassy D-A-CH Q2/2018 - Update May

    Dash Watch May 28th 2018 Report on DASH EMBASSY D-A-CH Q2/18 by DASH_Embassy_DACH: