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  1. Gaurav_Gupta

    New Dash Marketing Videos : Freelancing Industry

    Hi there, As part of our project, we have made 4 videos to educate freelancers about blockchain technology and more specifically about Dash. Incase anyone finds any one or all them them useful for something they are doing, please feel free to use them. In case there is something you would like...
  2. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    **********PROJECT STATUS UPDATE 3/4)************ Hi! 
 Here is the current detailed status of our project at the end of the 3rd Sprint. 
 COUSE & PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT: The platform was launched towards the later half of January and is live at DASHLANCER.COM. Here is a video from the course...
  3. Gaurav_Gupta

    Update: Bringing Dash to South Asian Freelancing: An Accessibility, Research & Education Project.

    **********PROJECT STATUS UPDATE 3/4)************ Hi! Here is the current detailed status of our project at the end of the 3rd Sprint. COUSE & PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT: The platform was launched towards the later half of January and is live at DASHLANCER.COM Here is a Video from the course...
  4. Gaurav_Gupta

    Update: Bringing Dash to South Asian Freelancing: An Accessibility, Research & Education Project.

    LASTEST UPDATE REPOSTED ON TOP Hi There! Greetings from the Dashlancer Team! This project update is crossposted from Dashwatch to ensure continuity on this thread. The first part of the project dealt with Researching the Global Freelancing Industry and understanding different challenges...
  5. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    **********PROJECT STATUS UPDATE************ Hello! 
 Here is the current detailed status of our project after 1 out of 4 planned sprints :
 COUSE DEVELOPMENT: For the Freelancer course, we have chosen a custom-color illustrated animation style. This style has high resonance with users and...
  6. Gaurav_Gupta - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Thanks @tungfa . I have given links to the PDF version.
  7. Gaurav_Gupta - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Hi Rango. We are facing issues with getting the entire proposal to show on Here is the page: The proposal is live. When one clicks on Show full description, it only shows half the proposal and omits the...
  8. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    This project is now live. Click here to view on DashCentral
  9. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    Thank you so much, @Dashmaximalist Appreciate the encouragement ! :)
  10. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    Thanks for your support @TheSingleton I think as regulations become clearer, businesses might get more comfortable using Crypto in general. Conversion costs between strongly traded currencies like EUR/USD are still probably more reasonable. But it can gets a little more expensive for say...
  11. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    Hi @TheSingleton. Great Question. I have analyzed different scenarios for you. Situation : Let us assume John has hired Rahul to develop his website. They decide on total of $10000(OR 25 DASH) to be paid. The project is delivered and the money is due. John now has the following options to make...
  12. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    Questions / Comments from Other Forums. Dash Nation Discord. dancefordistribution- @Gaurav that looks cool, but how do you intend to make e.g. and the like to go along with this? aren't the freelancers bound to the project-sites payment menthods like paypal/visa banktransfers etc...
  13. Gaurav_Gupta

    Using PrivateSend

    Thanks @tungfa . Was looking for this.
  14. Gaurav_Gupta

    Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia

    Click here for PDF Version Building Commercial Dash Use in the Freelancing Industry across South Asia - A Research & Accessibility Project Summary: This project aims to promote the adoption of Dash as Commercial Currency across the large and growing freelancing industry in South Asia &...
  15. Gaurav_Gupta

    Pre-Proposal: Trustless Gambling & Academic Master Thesis

    Hi Ossel It is quite hard to reach out to new users with a new service. How do people find out about this? Best, Gaurav
  16. Gaurav_Gupta

    Project Live Log - Dash & HBPay Adoption @ Foodtruck Bazaar

    I downloaded the app. Very well designed.
  17. Gaurav_Gupta

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    Great write up. Clarifies many points.
  18. Gaurav_Gupta December 2017 - February 2018

    I checked it out. Great Concept!