Search results

  1. Acedian

    Cheapest, Easiest Exchange/Service For GBP

    Is a UK deposit to Kraken a local or international transaction?
  2. Acedian

    Existing Point of Sale Dash Integration

    We need this, we need this now. I would like to see GBP so I can start pushing this device in my local area. If this is subsidised early on, merchant adoption should be easy. I would have no problem with 50% of the treasury budget going to put a device in the hands of as many merchants as...
  3. Acedian

    Pre-proposal: Integrating Dash in African Exchange

    + 1 vote also what @DashingDude said.
  4. Acedian


    Thank you for the update. I know you are a busy guy, I appreciate you taking the time to update this.
  5. Acedian

    Total DASH per Day Reward

    By the Dash code. I can't say I have ever looked deeper than that. It was determined by Evan Duffield when he wrote the code, I guess.
  6. Acedian

    Proposal: Consensus / Leadership "Summit"

    True, very true. I would like to see more input from MNO. Only about half vote on proposals if we're lucky and very few comment on pre-proposals. Dash would benefit form more active "shareholders".
  7. Acedian

    Dash Mining Pre-Proposal - HowToMineDash.Com Dash Mining for Newbs

    Maybe you could just take control of a page at to do this. Having all of our information at a single verified and well known domain seems like a good idea. I may have missed an important point though. I think the service to cost ratio is good and I would vote for this. But please...
  8. Acedian

    Total DASH per Day Reward

    I guess you just times the number of blocks by the total block reward. Miner reward ~1.8 Masternode reward ~1.8 Treasury Payout ~0.4 So a total payout per block of about 4 Dash. With a block every 2.5 minutes. 24 * 60 = 1440 minutes in a day. 1440 / 2.5 = 576 blocks created in a day. 576 *...
  9. Acedian

    Dash Branding on Race and Acrobatic airplanes (How I'll promote Dash to 200,000 people per month)

    Yes. There are two things I love in this world, Dash and aviation. Do this and my life is complete.
  10. Acedian

    New Forum Feature: Masternode Owner Badges

    Could we get another update on numbers please @moocowmoo Thank you in advance. Also, what is a "Bovine Bit-flipper"?
  11. Acedian

    Solid support at 0.05 BTC

    Yesterday it dropped below. Sitting at ~0.046 now :(
  12. Acedian

    [Discuss] Pre-Proposal: Vote Nodes

    A lot of people run a masternode just for the reward, they are not active in reviewing and voting on proposals. I will accept that. Does that matter though? They are still providing the masternode service to the network, so we pay them. As long as there is enough of the "real" Dash MNOs, then...
  13. Acedian

    Where is Charlie Shrem's DashPayCard?

    I would like, as I am sure many do, an update on the progress of the DashPayCard. I am very eager to see this bad boy in action! :D The estimated time to release was 3 months. It has been 2 months now with no word on how the protect is going. I would like to hear from @CharlieShrem if...
  14. Acedian


    Dash has money to burn at the moment. I mean, a few hundred thousand USD a month should be able to sort this out...shouldn't it?
  15. Acedian

    US Residents Need Good Way to Buy DASH with Credit Card -- #DashPainPoint

    I have been trying to get this across for some time now. Without solid foundations for normal people to use Dash (getting Dash and spending Dash) there is no point trying to get them on-board. You might just scare them off. At this stage, the Dash treasury needs most of it's funds going towards...
  16. Acedian

    Temporarily moving masternode to another machine

    I have just remembers something. Back when the Dash network was getting DDOS'd I remember someone saying that if an IP was attacked, that the masternode operator would have an hour to move to a new IP and maintain their position in the queue. So, I think you might be in luck!
  17. Acedian

    Temporarily moving masternode to another machine

    Is the payment queue linked to masternode IP or collateral public key? Is the question I guess, sorry can't help. Bump for answers! :D
  18. Acedian

    Alt festivals the perfect venue for Dash

    Agreed, both are good for Dash. Providing an incentive to both merchant and customer is a must. I like these 2-sided proposals.