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  1. D

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Does 4K or 10K collateral really solve anything, if such 4K or 10K nodes use lame connections and barely (or don't) fulfill Platforms hardware requirements? Whales owning dozens or even 100+ 1K MN would still be over-represented in such a 4K or 10K scenario. It hardly makes any sense. First you...
  2. D

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    @DCG DCG seems not willing to give us an opportunity to vote on REGULAR 1K MN WITH VOLUNTARY ADHERENCE TO PLATFORM, and an INITIAL LIMIT OF 10% or at most 20% of all MNs able to participate in Platform, as long as we don't know whether the Code is secure and bugfree and won't cause any freezes...
  3. D

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    @DCG Don't expect the average MNO having as much technical knowledge or insight like a Platform Developer, while DCG has done NOTHING to educate or try to inform the MNO network along the development journey. No explanation from DCG how 4K or 10K HPMN will affect the blockrewards !!!! Our...
  4. D

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    As GrandMasterDash stated, the Dash Platform Vision has always been for ALL MASTERNODES to participate, and NOT to create an ELITIST CARTEL. If the increase of hardware requirements to run Dash Platform would only be slightly or tolerable for the MNOs, only then could we go for the 1K solution...
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    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    @QuantumExplorer Are you completely mad? Have you totally lost your mind? Your 3 "solutions" which are ALL ABSOLUTE GARBAGE (and btw should cost you your position @DCG if that's all you can come up with!) clearly violates the outlined Dash Platform Vision, you try to turn Dash into something...
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    Looking for a skilled webdeveloper who has experience with CoinMarketCap API

    Dear Dash community ! Looking for a skilled webdeveloper who has experience with CoinMarketCap API to work on a planned project that will benefit our cryptocurrency Dash. Preferably somebody who is experienced with server-side run languages like PHP, Ruby, Python (or similar) and who has...
  7. D

    Charlie Shrem's failed Dashpay card

    Well at least for some of us, Charlie's behaviour was not a surprise. Not at all...
  8. D

    Why the Fed now loves Cryptocurrencies

    The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal at all. It's a private cartel owned by the worlds super-elite of plutocrats.