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  1. orangecycle

    Darkcoin Ambassador Group

    No DASH, but still worth a read. Simone Brunozzi writes about how to do Company/Product Evangelism. You may remember Simone from an interview he did with Evan way back on March 15, 2014...
  2. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Thanks. We are happy to have you on board.
  3. orangecycle

    Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    Masternode owners are smart. They will either act to move the value of the currency or act to maintain the value (in the case of an artificial rise in valuation). I have to admit that I accepted the proposal on face value when I first read it, but now I'm coming around to the arguments made by...
  4. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Just brought two new Node40 owned masternodes online. That means we have room for 20 new shares (100 DASH for a 10% share). Let me know if you are interested.
  5. orangecycle

    Converting Large Amounts of Fiat to Dash

    And when you are ready to setup your dozen or so masternodes, give us a shout! We'll have you up and running before you can say "Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain." :wink:
  6. orangecycle

    Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    Fantastic idea. Had to chuckle when in a moment of serendipity, I also read that BTC core developers are joining MIT Digital Currency Initiative in hopes of brining some stability to BTC development...
  7. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    It's also comforting to see that UdjinM6 is occasionally fallible. :tongue:
  8. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    It doesn't look like 5+ days is unusual. I just pulled some data from eight nodes and 7 of 8 had consecutive payments cycles of more than 5 days.
  9. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    We just released v0.2.17, allowing you to drill-down to transaction details. Updates have been fast and furious this week. We are going to step back from the UI for a little bit to concentrate on some infrastructure updates. If you are accumulating DASH at these low prices and want to get a...
  10. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    The new wallet is looking really slick. Minor critique on the Overview tab. The word DASH in available balance gets truncated once you reach 10,000 DASH. My goal of course is to have enough DASH that I only see the D, but I'm sure the wallet will be updated before I reach 1,000,000 DASH. :tongue:
  11. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    All Node40 masternodes have been updated to Please issue a remote-start from your local wallet.
  12. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    Is this a new naming convention or is it a fluke (i.e. lack of convention)?
  13. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Thanks for doing the writeup for me. I never tire of the platypus references. :smile:
  14. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Just released version 0.2.8 with masternode tagging. Allows you to create custom tags and attach them to the masternodes you are monitoring. I use tags so I can see at-a-glance which masternodes are 100% mine and which are pools. Next up: Transaction details: No more running to a blockchain...
  15. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Version 0.2.6 of went out the door on Monday. You can now monitor masternodes from within Node40. Drilling down will display the transactions. Next up are: Transaction Details. The ability to tag your masternodes so they are easier to identify. For example *mom's node* or *foundation donor*...
  16. orangecycle

    Dash update and Abe

    I have ABE working again with the changes from crowning. Thanks. I did have to re-create the database. Also setup a cron job so ABE will retrieve new blocks every minute.
  17. orangecycle

    Dash update and Abe

    Would you be willing to share your configuration file? I'm specifically interested in seeing the datadir setup.
  18. orangecycle

    Dash update and Abe

    Also noticed that I don't have a Dash.pyc file in the Chain directory. Shouldn't this be created automatically when launching ABE?
  19. orangecycle

    Dash update and Abe

    When I fire up ABE with python -m Abe.abe --config abe-my.conf, the blocks get added to MySQL. However, it's still not automatically pulling from dashd.
  20. orangecycle

    Dash update and Abe

    Did you ever get this this figured out? Finally getting around to upgrading my explorer and I'm missing something obvious. UDPATE: My blocks update when I startup ABE running against DASH. However, ABE is no longer updating automatically. flare: Any ideas? You originally helped me get ABE...