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  1. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    Only one week to go. Register at for a chance to win.
  2. orangecycle

    1MillionsCups presentation in Albany, NY

    The audience is mostly entrepreneurs and successful business owners willing to mentor the next generation. The level of understanding about crypto will be minimal to none.
  3. orangecycle

    1MillionsCups presentation in Albany, NY

    I'll be talking about DASH and Node40 on Wednesday, June 24th at 8am in Albany, NY. If there is anybody in the area, and I haven't already invited you via email, here's your formal invitation. More details at Please help spread...
  4. orangecycle

    A few questions about monitoring masternodes.

    The ninja is awesome, but do take a moment to check out And while your are there sign up to qualify for the trezor giveaway. Welcome to the masternode club.
  5. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    We'll get more documentation up on our site soon. In the meantime, let me know if there are any specific questions I can answer. Are you interested in a masternode share, or a full masternode?
  6. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    Indeed. Multi-sig masternodes are my dream.
  7. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    Quick bump. Only 30 days until the giveaway.
  8. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    Wow. Thanks for the compliment! Just wait until you see what's coming next.
  9. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    May distributions for pools have been paid.
  10. orangecycle

    Lifehacker: What's The Best Way to Pay Other People Online?

    Lifehacker is running a poll and we've got the answer.
  11. orangecycle

    Master Node Simple?

    Thanks for the plug tungfa. Bugeater, if you are interested in our service, feel free to DM me here and I can provide additional details. The reason I started Node40 is to make owning a masternode as easy as possible. I'd love the opportunity to bring you on board.
  12. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    Thanks for entertaining my questions. This is all getting to be very interesting, especially in light of the regulatory proposals in the U.S. (especially New York and California). Crypto is certainly moving too fast for the regulators to keep up with.
  13. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    But the donee(s) (address B in the example above) doesn't know who the donation is coming from. So they really can't provide a monthly written receipt.
  14. orangecycle

    11.2 - Dash Release

    When address B receives a donation, there isn't a way to determine that the donation was from address A, right? Donation addresses are paid directly from the network, so the masternode donating the funds never *touches* it. The reason I'm asking is because I started playing around with a 100%...
  15. orangecycle

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    What does the StartingBlock property do? Does it determine how long the voting remains open?
  16. orangecycle

    Announcing the Project Management and Delivery Excellence Initiative

    Fantastic news Evan. The improved documentation is what has me stoked. And it's always great when you introduce new team members.
  17. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    Everyone is welcome to use the Node40 monitor. And if you have suggestions for improving it, let me know.
  18. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    Yes. We are running shares/pools. I'd be happy to bring you on board. Feel free to DM me or reply in this thread:
  19. orangecycle

    WTS Node40 Masternode Management Services

    April distributions for pools have been paid.
  20. orangecycle

    Trezor Giveaway from Node40

    When SatoshiLabs announced support for DASH in their 1.3.3 firmware upgrade we thought the DASH community might want to get their hands on one. We ordered a few Trezors to test out at Node40 and we're giving one away. We'll be drawing a lucky winner from our list of registered users on July...