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  1. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: Peter Todd to review Instant X?

    So I know there's mixed feelings about Todd, but he is well known in blockchain tech and is very much focused in the field of zero confirmation txs and fast payments or lack there of. Not sure who else would be good to do some third party review of instant x, but never the less I asked him and...
  2. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    And the first video is out. Check out the ad, its at the begining and at the end.
  3. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    :) He came to me! That was fun
  4. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    HI Folk. Any idea why the mobile wallets are not prominently featured on the download page?
  5. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Howdy Gents, so the next step is to create an ad for DASH to put on every interview I got on the conf. Any suggestions for the content, sound byte, images or video? any samples already made?
  6. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Great. So any ideas for the ad? any video content already created? I liked this line,
  7. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Alright! The conference is almost over. Here's the interviews I got. Roger Ver, Trace Mayer, Rick Falkvinge Barry Cooper Bob Podaoulsky. And they are quite good if I do say so my self. I found them very interesting. So, should I got ahead and get a solid dash ad on them?
  8. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Interesting conversation with Kristov Atlas about DASH vs Bitcoin, on facebook.
  9. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    I'd love to speak at other conferences about DASH. And I'll polish my presentation and communication skills even more, which I'd like to do anyways.
  10. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Very curious to hear what people think about the speech. Over all, I consider it a success. A lot of people came up to me after it and we had a 20 or so minute discussion that was a lot of fun and in depth. A lot more people, maybe another 20 or so asked me about it the next day or two and...
  11. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    It's live!
  12. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Incoming! Will be getting it in a few hours and preparing for publication in the next day or two
  13. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Done! Video coming soon. Presentation at getting a lot of interest. More details soon
  14. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Hey guys, So quick question. Does Darksend charge a fee? or is that what the 45% that goes to mns is for?
  15. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Huh, interesting about Paypal, yeah I def plan on asking him about twitter censorship. ty
  16. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Ah might have miss counted. I think I got a couple more in mind. I'll aim for 10.
  17. JuanSGalt

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Hello Everyone, In the past two weeks since we begun working on the DASH speech and marketing presence at Anarchapulco, I mentioned in passing a couple of times a sponsorship opportunity I was working on for DASH, to extend the reach of the speech beyond that of presence at the conference and...
  18. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    What is the prefix?
  19. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    If I wait until after the conference to submit a proposal, I'd like to have some support or atleast approval from the DASH foundation, to signal that there really is enough interest. Other wise I might be willing to pay the 5 DASH and cancel it. Or I could do one proposal for 5 interviews and...
  20. JuanSGalt

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Hello Everyone, In the past two weeks since we begun working on the DASH speech and marketing presence at Anarchapulco, I mentioned in passing a couple of times a sponsorship opportunity I was working on for DASH, to extend the reach of the speech beyond that of presence at the conference and...