Search results

  1. Voluntary

    How do masternode hosts plan to cope?

    Somehow I doubt that every MNO has been waiting to decommission their existing hardware and replace it with all new equipment. But, as I don't do my own MN administration, I'd rather hear from those that do - particularly if they do it on a large scale on behalf of others.
  2. Voluntary

    How do masternode hosts plan to cope?

    Bearing this in mind: In all likelihood, being a Masternode owner will soon be a full-time job. I think it's safe to assume that monthly hosting fees will become much more expensive at some point in the...
  3. Voluntary

    WTB Want small plot of land, USA SW / PNW for Tiny House

    I'd be really impressed if you could pay for something like that with a Dash debit card.
  4. Voluntary

    Dash Central Bank

    If you believe that central banks control currency valuation do you also believe that fiat is backed by gold?
  5. Voluntary

    Electrum DASH LINUX client

    I tried on 64bit Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.04 If I can understand what I need to do, I'd be reasonably confident about writing a howto.
  6. Voluntary

    Electrum DASH LINUX client

    What the hell am I supposed to do to make this work? All I get is endless compile bullshit and apt-get failure. Windows and Mac get ready-made executables and Linux some computer science lab abortion - wtf?
  7. Voluntary

    Why doesn't Dash have a good, simple web wallet solution?
  8. Voluntary

    Why doesn't Dash have a good, simple web wallet solution? now supports Dash and it has a locking feature allowing easy conversion to major fiats and gold & silver. Coinapult accounts can be linked to Crypto Capital as well.
  9. Voluntary

    Invitation to closed-beta of FundChan

    I'd like more information in the OP but I'm curious so PM me. :)
  10. Voluntary

    PRE-PROPOSAL: New (& Improved?) Look for DASH Detailed

    Amanda, I hope this doesn't seem too off topic but if you're looking for inspiration in how Dash : Detailed is presented, check out how this channel does its content -
  11. Voluntary

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    I got this message after clicking 'Transfer funds from...' - -5: No information available for address It goes on to suggest running dashd with the -reindex option... That was 15 minutes ago - not for the feint of heart! ;)
  12. Voluntary

    Masternode with Trezor?

    If / when Dashcore integrates support for hardware wallets, is accessing masternode rewards going to become less of a pain? Is dash-tx capable of generating unsigned transactions for any address and transaction input?
  13. Voluntary

    Masternode with Trezor?

    I just checked in on dashcentral and I have my first masternode rewards! Now... How do I spend those reward inputs from my Trezor without risking the collateral input?
  14. Voluntary

    Dash Business Model upgrade: Invest in start-ups

    I like the idea of giving proposals the option between requesting a donation or an investment with potential for return / loan to be repaid.
  15. Voluntary

    Help Backing Kraken

    I also contacted them about Dash after their latest email being all proud about just adding Tether. Same friggin' form letter response...
  16. Voluntary

    Double voting

    The payout percentages were changed to become what they are now and they can be changed again if there's consensus.
  17. Voluntary

    Dash Bloodbath (Lock MN collateral blockchain-wide, spend more budget funds on dev)

    The only reason I'm holding other crypto currencies is to take advantage of panicking idiots - and then start another masternode.
  18. Voluntary

    Verifying Dash Code QT installer's integrity with GnuPG

    Thank you - I needed a refresher on this. btw The page I just got the PGP signature from doesn't seem to indicate how to get the appropriate public key - which seems kinda backward...
  19. Voluntary

    Dash Bloodbath (Lock MN collateral blockchain-wide, spend more budget funds on dev)

    A phrase I learned from a local trouble maker - testicular fortitude. Highly recommended.