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  1. Solarminer

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience

    Maybe this wasn't clear in the proposal. We are planning to allocate a lot of the funds to developers. We know the wallets will take time to add features, we will be asking for a lot of man-hours. The software to get the backends to work correctly isn't easy. We will also be working with...
  2. Solarminer

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience

    We are already on it. and a few others domains are ready when we start releasing product demos.
  3. Solarminer

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience

    We have created a proposal to address merchant adoption called Vendor-Experience. There are more details/comments/voting info here. We believe the best way to grow Dash is to give users a place to spend their Dash. Dash has an advantage over any...
  4. Solarminer

    When approaching Crypto newbies, whats the top 5 things to consider?

    TheDashGuy, THANK YOU! I have been wondering how to do that. I listened to Evan discuss the details of Dash. He is really good at listening and answering every question. I am not that patient....I get to the point....Look how cool InstantX is. Let me buy you a soda. We can do it because we...
  5. Solarminer

    When approaching Crypto newbies, whats the top 5 things to consider?

    Thanks TheDashGuy. Yeah, If there is one thing I learned from the conference, it is how to save your voice and get to "Ah ha" as fast as possible.
  6. Solarminer

    When approaching Crypto newbies, whats the top 5 things to consider?

    Keys to Dash Understanding When starting a discussion about Dash, most people don’t understand the current fiat monetary system. So comparing to fiat, will force a 10 minute discussion about banking, money creation, and how fiat gets its value. Saying digital money gives the impression of a...
  7. Solarminer

    When approaching Crypto newbies, whats the top 5 things to consider?

    The easiest way to get across the idea is to say, "You can send money with your phone in 1 second." You need to tie Dash to how it can be used to understand it. I'll come back and write a bunch more.
  8. Solarminer

    Tante Stefana's Sometimes Weekly Update :P

    It was an automatic upgrade.
  9. Solarminer

    Tante Stefana's Sometimes Weekly Update :P

    Tante, I think you got me mixed up with Moocowmoo who is doing the Dashman and is the stay at home Dad. I am a dad too, but work on solar projects when it is warmer. Moocowmoo has the genius behind detecting the IX. This is a huge step for Dash! He also corrected a lot of the writing in the...
  10. Solarminer

    DASH at TNABC 2016 in Miami

    Yeah, blocksize is of no concern for merchants. Merchants also don't care about voting. They only care about if Dash is faster and cheaper than visa/cash/checks and it is. Focus on your customer's goals, not the internal systems that get us there.
  11. Solarminer

    DASH at TNABC 2016 in Miami

    Merchants don't care about blocksize. They care about: Transaction fees Speed of transactions Risk of rejected/double spend tx Size of wallets / ease of use We focus on these. Anything else is noise.
  12. Solarminer

    DASH at TNABC 2016 in Miami

    The idea of adding some stickers to anything that accepts zero confirmations came up. Something like this: Peter Todd Double Spend Target Ok, we are not going to do that. We are at the conference to discuss Dash. We have plenty of ways to show how fast and low fee InstantX is and...
  13. Solarminer DASH-Powered Soda Machine to Debut at Miami Bitcoin Conference

    Merchants are well aware of the double spend 0-confirmation problem, which is why something like this Bitcoin vending machine will only be a novelty. We will also reinforce this at the conference with literature and the DASH presentation. Keep in mind Amanda also spent about $0.35 in ATM and...
  14. Solarminer DASH-Powered Soda Machine to Debut at Miami Bitcoin Conference

    Eric, thanks for the opportunity to help with your article and for joining Dashtalk. Moocowmoo also helped immensely with the article and with all the software to make it all work. He should also get a special award just for putting up with Camosoul and myself... Raptor73 also should get a...
  15. Solarminer

    Good thing y'all started publishing Dash materials in Russian. Looks like Irina stumbled on them.

    Guys, this DailyDecrypt episode is a winner. The De-Throning of Bitcoin: If It Happens, This Will Be Why
  16. Solarminer

    Soda Vote for InstantX Soda Machine in Miami

    Thanks everyone for voting on your favorite beverages. And thank you to the latest mineral water votes. Much appreciated. The InstantX Soda Machine Will be Stocked With: Mineral Water 15.10617432 DASH Coke 9.1389742 DASH Mt Dew 9.002 DASH Rootbeer 8 DASH 7up 4.2121 DASH Dr Pepper 4.001...
  17. Solarminer

    Soda Vote for InstantX Soda Machine in Miami

    No reason to IX the votes. Just IX for the Soda. If you are not going to be in Miami we can send you a Dash address so you can buy a soda from the machine from anywhere. You could have the long distance instant soda purchase record.
  18. Solarminer

    Soda Vote for InstantX Soda Machine in Miami

    Tungfa, looks like you took care of that licketysplit. Thanks for the Coke votes. Potential Top 6 Mineral Water 12.64617432 DASH Coke 9.1389742 DASH Mt Dew 9.002 DASH Rootbeer 8 DASH Dr Pepper 4.001 DASH 7up 3.7121 DASH
  19. Solarminer

    Soda Vote for InstantX Soda Machine in Miami

    Tungfa, watchout! Coke is loosing ground....Thank you TaoofSaatashi for the added Mt Dew votes! Potential Top 6 Mineral Water 12.64617432 DASH Mt Drew 9.002 DASH Rootbeer 8 DASH Coke 7.9389742 DASH Dr Pepper 4.001 DASH 7up 3.7121 DASH