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  1. Solarminer

    Proposal: Integration With A Flagship Merchant

    Voting no on this. I don't write blank checks. I feel offended that a proposal is posted with so many words but yet is missing the key factor, WHO. Why not resubmit the proposal after you can tell us who is getting the funds?
  2. Solarminer

    Core Proposal Split Proposal

    Sorry, misunderstood what you were asking. I don't think a hard coded limit needs to be enforced. The internal(core like) proposals should be limited and split up so they don't get too big. If an outside company needs more than 10% sure that can get voted on. Maybe we have a suggested limit...
  3. Solarminer

    Core Proposal Split Proposal

    The 10% limit is to avoid proposals that sound ok on day 1, but in 3 months are enormous and then funds are used for other areas. (for example Public-Awareness funds used for Transform PR or Fiat-Gateways) The idea about crowd funding doesn't have to involve the budget. If you want to submit...
  4. Solarminer

    Questions about InstantTX

    Posted my response here. Feel free to ask any followup questions.
  5. Solarminer

    Core Proposal Split Proposal

    The social media and forum maintenance I see as different skill sets. Social media would be an energetic and outgoing Tao or TheDashGuy posting all over. There could even be bounties for community posts on threads. We have seen some bounces in traffic by posting on campaign threads...
  6. Solarminer

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    Channel #dash_open_bazaar created. It is going to rain some dash today. So jump on over before the storm.
  7. Solarminer

    Core Proposal Split Proposal

    Ok, maybe there is a loophole on the pay per bug. :) Maybe limit that to non coders. If you do go by a standardized process the coder should never be testing their own code anyway. Maybe time spent testing or masternodes run during testing would be better.
  8. Solarminer Soft Launch

    No. The fundamental issue is the negative attitude you are creating. Thedashguy might not be working the same way you do. He may not even be working as fast as what you want. He also isn't taking any funds. And from what I can tell, he is making more progress than the 10K we already spent...
  9. Solarminer

    Core Proposal Split Proposal

    Current Proposals (Dash only - not external companies): core-team Funded with 1176 Dash This proposal is currently trying to pay for administrative duties, core, business development, forum maintenance and moderation and pays a group of 17 people. Each member pledges to work on Dash each and...
  10. Solarminer Soft Launch

    @yidakee A little encouragement for those actually doing the work can go a long way. Just going to point out @TheDashGuy has been doing much more than Check out and Two other websites he has done to help out Dash. Now is...
  11. Solarminer

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    We can add a channel to the Dash Slack if you want to chat in real time about the Dash Open Bazaar, might even get some advice or help from one of the other 250 slackers. There is a link in my signature. This might be a big project, but I am sure you can do it. One step at a time. Fully...
  12. Solarminer

    Why do you value privacy? Why do you need cryptocurrencies in your life? Why do YOU use Dash?

    Nailed it. Yeah, I may be a fun guy, but not fungible. I leave that to Dash.
  13. Solarminer

    Received an empty box from Dash store?

    Claire, I guess scam sellers are bound to pop up on a decentralized store. Sorry that you found one. Alibaba has this problem too. It seems the only legit sellers are the ones that accept escrow. You are welcome to check out my store(of two items) if you are interested in a bitcoin miner...
  14. Solarminer

    DASH WORLD – 2nd Month Report, Expenses Breakdown & Ongoing Work

    Great summary. I know these efforts take time. Sometimes it is unpredictable when or who is going to respond to these conversations. Although, these articles are detailed, they look like they are tailored to the crypto oriented audience. Maybe we can do some short articles that point out the...
  15. Solarminer

    Let's make SWOT Analysis for Dash

    @kot. I would like your opinion on this. I could see this as a way to set goals to improve certain aspects of Dash. Probably a list isn't the most effective way to do this, but I am sure you have tools that you have used that could make this work better. Our goal should be to improve on...
  16. Solarminer

    Pre-Proposal - Dash Governance by Community

    Users that have access to this "safe offline wallet" will be considered owners of funds that are paying people. Gov'ts will tax that as income. It doesn't matter if it makes any sense now - it is possible to track the wallet getting paid from the blockchain. Maybe someone makes a mistake to...
  17. Solarminer

    Pre-Proposal - Dash Governance by Community

    The two critical issues with this idea are: Storing Dash is a problem. It is exposed to theft(internal=wallet signers, or external=gov) or loss. Mainly I think it forces whoever signs the fund wallet to report income and submit income statements. Allocating stored funds needs to unrestricted...
  18. Solarminer

    Pre-Proposal: Point of Sale solution to accept Dash

    There is no profit motive for a credit card company to adopt Dash. Dash would clearly reduce the credit card transactions and their income associated. Any credit card machine is unlikely to get crypto added to it anytime soon. What is dongling an android wallet? I see a few ideas that work...
  19. Solarminer

    PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DR-1 Hashrate 500MH/s @320w Weighs 4.5kg

    There is already a PI release, it might work for your OrangePI To git clone use this line. git clone