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  1. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Do we know why most of the MN with duplicated IP addresses are gone? I am just wondering if these MN operators have left or they just start using unique IP addresses.
  2. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    I actually do not have a problem with more frequent update during this major version bump. Why? because my MN would have been restarted if it was updated and it would not be in a deadlock.
  3. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Anyone experienced a deadlock with v0.12.0.46? I don't have a debug log and the last thing I saw is "STOP" state on "top" for the dashd daemon process. The memory usage went over 500MB. Maybe, there are still some memory related bugs. EDIT: It started with 300 something MB. It grew slowly. Hope...
  4. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    BTW, what happened to the other 1000 MNs that disappear overnight? Any idea?
  5. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Thanks, Moli. Glad to hear that you guys are on it. Just in case this hasn't been reported yet, the website is not reporting the correct amount of DASH in the cold wallets since I noticed the number of MNs dropped from almost 3000 down to 1700. Another issue that we haven't...
  6. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Hi Evan, I am seeing this masternode winners result: "322440" : "XtE4rJZpY4vNsuyg63cG13s6UvTGVzeiBh:110", "322441" : "XdArLjWreVwfJwBQhpJuVoLvpmVjwmiy7s:110", "322442" : "Xx58KPWYCxghvQS17EUs8Pvu4SWraS4Qg2:110", "322443" : "XbcKhc1gBw9bXmmvM16TbE6uqJs5i8Boas:110", "322444" ...
  7. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Elbereth, thanks for all the information. I also looked up some older posts on the forum. Evan mentioned that v0.12 has a hybrid state for the reference node. Your reply really helps clearing things up for people like me who do not read all the posts.
  8. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Are we seeing 6.1% of non-conforming MNs? From, (70076) 0.1% (70075) 2.5% (70076) 3.5% Are these nodes trying to fake 0.12 with 7007[56] protocols?
  9. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    So, the selection of payees will be done in consensus for v0.12 but the enforcement is still controlled by the reference node. Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?
  10. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    So, we still have enforcement in v0.12 and it will be activated after most nodes upgrade. I originally thought enforcement no longer exists in v0.12 because the reference node is removed. Sounds like I completely misunderstood what the reference node does.
  11. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    I have been paying attention to whether MNs get paid correctly during the upgrade. I did not expect these MNs getting paid correctly during the upgrade period. But, I just noticed something on HeightConsensusMajorityNot in consensus 320216100%Xk8KRpRa6PzJB7xxPFiRiUEfjTN5aZ22Xj...
  12. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    I did the following without the wallet/daemon running: % rm ~/.dash/wallet.dat ~/.dash/backups/* Then, I started the QT wallet and it gave me "dash in Runaway exception" and "A fatal error occurred. Dash can no longer continue safely and will quit." After deleting the .dash/.lock...
  13. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Thank you my DASH friends! I will turn off the automatic backup. I would suggest the automatic backup is default to off because it can be a security concern especially when there is a backup without password.
  14. GermanRed+

    V12 Release

    Why does the new code backup the wallet automatically? It is scary to find out that my wallet.dat is automatically backup every time I run the client. What if some attacker finds it when I thought I removed my wallet from the system? It also gives me a fatal error when I tried to create a new...
  15. GermanRed+

    Will this also affect DASH: Some BTC Miners Generating Invalid Blocks

    Here is the original post: Litecoin has the same problem. Do we have the same problem and an update to fix it if we do?
  16. GermanRed+

    11.2 - Dash Release

    Hi UdjinM6, I want to confirm that your MN breakage patch partially fixes the addnode problem. I mean MN with addnode in dash.conf being completely kicked off from the list without this patch and requires a cold wallet restart. The MNs are still being kicked off from time to time with and...
  17. GermanRed+

    11.2 - Dash Release

    Is the PoSe really working? There are some nodes with a PoSe score of zero. Shouldn't it the obsolete version for MN? The PoSe should be none zero. Any comment on this? EDIT: I think there is still some bugs in the new code. Perhaps, it has something to do with the updating of...
  18. GermanRed+

    11.2 - Dash Release

    I guess that it takes time to update PoSe on and but I may be wrong. I also at first thought that a PoSe other than 0 will prevent any payment but, if you read that again carefully, a PoSe score of 6 will prevent a payment. A PoSe score of less than 6 is not an error...
  19. GermanRed+

    11.2 - Dash Release

    Hi Evan, how about the addnode issue? Did you try to repeat that? EDIT: Can you give me a MN's IP to addnode? It can be repeated every time on my MNs.
  20. GermanRed+

    11.2 - Dash Release

    I agree with your opinions and had the same thought. However, I believe that there are bugs you probably won't see on the testnet because the main-net is a lot uglier than the testnet. On the main-net, there are less experienced noobs trying to run their MNs and evil operators trying to take...