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  1. unchained

    I am in Kiev - any dash folks here

    Hi Dash People. Any Dash people in Kiev?
  2. unchained

    proposals corruption in Venezuela inflating budgets

    @luisfrat, show ur evidence.... i dont see any other post from u
  3. unchained

    proposals corruption in Venezuela inflating budgets

    ill pay more attention, but from what ive read it seems that people are complaining about receiving less money than they were promised. My guess, would be Dashccs is dealing with the price fall. i havent seen any evidence to the contrary.
  4. unchained

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    im for keeping or updating the current logo. i was just looking at the bitcoin B on my twitter feed and then saw these O&M 2 ugly double chain link Ds, this has got to be the most amatuer looking logo ive ever seen. it lacks depth and warmth, it doesnt make me feel anything. the current logo...
  5. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    MNO: please dont give him anything else... As far as i can tell youve collected around 6 dash already. Youve spent as much effort and time on Dash as it takes to make a 3 min of video and collected 6 Dash.
  6. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    listen, i think its become obvious to everyone how much u believe in Dash.... if me asking u to prove ur value add makes u leave Dash; then best of luck.... MNO: I rest my case. Ill call it what it is... extortion.
  7. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    show me u can do something quality and ill donate the money myself.... if getting a camera of any useful quality is a problem for u when u live in france, in a world where every girl has a 12MB camera on her phone then u wont be able to do much of anything of quality..... Im sorry, but...
  8. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    Do some actual work and then ask for money to make it better.... MNO: please dont fall for the "I dont have a camera" and i need 20000 to build a studio before i can make a single useful video about Dash, bc i REALLLLY LOVE DASH. Whatever happened to entrepreneurship? Bottom Line: Arabic...
  9. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    im a native Arabic speaker. how about u record more even if it is bad quality so i can assess your knowledge? im happy to get other native arabic speakers to review ur work... im asking why it should be u... if u feel u need almost 4000USD to make videos, im asking why it should be u...
  10. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    Have u done anything more since u last asked for funding? if i saw some more of ur work i wouldn't mind adding the rest for ur proposal if i believe in what ur looking to do...
  11. unchained

    Welcome Bradley Zastrow - Director of Global Business Development

    welcome! cant wait to see future integrations.
  12. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    i disagree that ur arabic is understood by most arabic audiences. i am most arabic audiences... its not classical arabic. morocco/algeria/tunisia. Here is feedback from other native arabic speakers.... " His Arabic pronunciation is not clear. I missed about 25% of his massage. He didn't...
  13. unchained

    Pre-Proposal : Donation for the fee [ Dash News Weekly In Arabic And French ]

    salam adham, i just watched ur videos Im of Egyptian background. i understand ur arabic, but its not what im used to listening to in Arabic. For the benefit of other MNO, Egypt is pretty much the largest market in the middle east. 90 Million individuals and the dialects differ greatly...
  14. unchained

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    amr, please post a video to bitcoinegypt about Dash to prove to me that its you on that channel.... i have asked u to post videos with your voice and face and u keep telling me ur camera and microphone are broken and u send me videos that are horrible video editing quality and with horrible...
  15. unchained

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    my recommendation is to do 6 videos like u were asking for budget for about dash, but do them the same way u already work on ur channel (without the need for new equipment)... expose ur channel to Dash. Build trust with the community and myself. i would then be willing to review the technical...
  16. unchained

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    i speak arabic and i listened to several of Amr's videos and he explains clearly concisely and in depth about different topics in the cryptocurrency scene. He appears to have good engagement with his audience. if anyone MNO want extra input about the arabic side of the things, please ask me...
  17. unchained

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    i speak arabic, ill check out the videos and give feedback
  18. unchained

    (Pre-Proposal) Dash Masternode Internship Program

    Here is how i see it.... some masternode owners will use their rewards to start businesses or expand the masternode as a business... right now we are waiting for people to submit proposals and to either deny or approve an entire project and are left at the mercy of the team to deliver...
  19. unchained

    (Pre-Proposal) Dash Masternode Internship Program

    Hi Guys, I'm ex-Intel, former sw guy, went into business dev/marketing and advertising and now im here with Dash. I've been out of the programming scene for several years, but ive been in the business world for the last 10 years.... I can program if i want to, but im better at business... Im...
  20. unchained

    Proposal: Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017 Sponsorship

    Hi Masternodes, Natasha, a member of my team here in Belgrade, went out and did this interview with Dandy and Natasha (AerialArts)... Its our attempt to give the masternode community a deeper look at this competitive sport and the people behind the proposal. The team there is great and we...