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  1. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    So it would be better to not talk about the DIP at first hand if I follow you ? Totally agreeing, and this process is planned from the beginning. Can you please tell me where is the first version of BIP39 ? Before it has been pushed on the BIP repository ? Where is the not-polished version of...
  2. Obusco

    Proposal ERROR :(

    @rullikas Alex9 has right, this comma had an impact that we didn't anticipate later this morning on the Masternode network (more information here : The team has released a fix, but as a drawback...
  3. Obusco

    Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)

    As you probably setup a crontab to execute every 5 min sentinel, when it got executed, it will execute with the last fix :)
  4. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    They are, when you work on a BIP, you don't publish it at your first sentence, you first work, multiple weeks/months on those before submitting them and being assigned a number and ending up on the bips repo. Same goes for us, we work on them, conscientiously, then we release them :)
  5. Obusco

    Evo usernames clarification please

    I'm agreeing with you, thus, I way more than just a name. We aren't talking here about an alias :) And at the difference with Blockstack, we don't rely on Centralized endpoint (the network own and control 100% of the data). Obviously, I must admit that it would be way easier to just prepare...
  6. Obusco

    Evo usernames clarification please

    Woops, saw that no-one answered you @GrandMasterDash Given the date, I think I have an idea about the why(we were at a team heavy workshop around these dates). At the final state, theses will be unique identifier. There is economics avoiding name-squatting, and decentralized method to handle...
  7. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    We still have some work to do, and we then need to do another round of full check with all team's brains on them. At this point, if everything fit the requirement we set to them, they will be released. Won't say any date (as you imagine, there is still possibilities where we discover that either...
  8. Obusco

    API for DASH exchange rate

    Hi @zoepfe Hoping that this pastebin can help you : It allows you to, using cryptocompare API, have a fetching of BTC price using syntax way : rates['BTC']=(await cryptocompare.priceOf('BTC').in('USD').fetch()).USD.toString(); (I didn't referenced...
  9. Obusco

    Which way to choose for 3rd party application integration (DAPI or bitcore-node-dash)?

    Thank you Udjin for the ping ! Hey warriors ! 1) As you can see here : last commit on master was 1months and a half ago, and we have pending P.R (on NPM, last version was 3.0.5, 2 months ago and we have 3.0.6 coming soon ...
  10. Obusco

    Darkcoin > Dash

    I don't own the solution, just coming here confirming above message about the explorer :
  11. Obusco

    Team Dash Cyclisme

    Yay ! Excellente nouvelle ça ! Hâte d'avoir des nouvelles la dessus, bon courage en tout cas ! Tiens nous au courant ! Personnellement, si ils prennent les Dash je serai prêt à tester le parapente pour l'occasion chez eux :D !
  12. Obusco

    DashCore Team Restructure and Recruitment

    May be I can answer to this one (for backend part). Not that long ago, a simple 140 chars tweet was popping in my feed telling that Dash was looking for BackEnd dev' and redirecting to the forum with the announce. I checked it, saw that I had in fact the ability to do the job, and submitted my...
  13. Obusco

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    And Toulouse ? :'( *total sadness* If I may, it worth talking with the guys at "La Maison du Bitcoin" in Paris (try PM them on twitter @lamaisondubtc), they had bought an ATM (bitcoin), and they had to shut it down because of legal restriction. The law do not allow to buy from an ATM because of...
  14. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    Thank you for the support :) @AnarchicCluster I had saw that problems with the Korean Won, or Hungarian Florint, Indonesian etc... My first advice would to tell to your local central bank that devaluation is not good, as the local woodchopper won't made any more money if people start to find...
  15. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to keep you informed : you might want to upgrade the software (in chrome://extensions/ click the "update extensions now) as I realease a new version (1.3.0) which has a more friendly look (hard to do worse, you might think) and a new feature in it (see screens...
  16. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    I don't think so... but you might check yourself the code here as all is open source : "" or by checking the options.html and background.html source code :) It might worth mentionning, in order to may be make you feel a little more confortable with it...
  17. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    Don't worry, I've fixed it. It could took up to 1 hours (most of the time ~15min) until it's up on the store. Please check the version number it has to be 1.2.3 (if not, wait a little). If you find having some weird comportment (like for exemple, the digits being blocked to the 1 number after...
  18. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    Yeah, I saw that (edited the first post to let know). I'm really sorry about that. It's a regression and a annoying one, I will try to update a fix as quickly as I can (will try today but tomorrow If I can't before). For the meantime, you can hack the stuff by setting the lower price to 0 and...
  19. Obusco

    Chrome Extension : Dash Price Monitor

    BTC will be dead before I finish to develop the same for it :p