Search results

  1. N

    PRE Proposal: 36 + Dash Sponsorships

    While your proposal is interesting and would definitely provide value to Dash I have to ask: Why are you not putting up any of your own money for the two proposals outlined?
  2. N

    Pre-proposal: Raising awareness of Dash amongst the UK's Business community

    Hi CaptAhab, Here is your first PEC Report. Couple of notes: • There is NO pass/failure mark. The percentage simply allows us to create a Prioritized List of Evaluated Proposals. The idea being that a MNO with very little time can concentrate on Proposals at the bottom of the list only. MNO’s...
  3. N

    [preproposal] Presentations of the Dash with the innovative community of Russia

    Hi, Here is your first PEC Report. Couple of notes: • There is NO pass/failure mark. The percentage simply allows us to create a Prioritized List of Evaluated Proposals. The idea being that a MNO with very little time can concentrate on Proposals at the bottom of the list...
  4. N

    Interview with Evan Duffield on Dash Evolution's Roadmap - Dash Force News

    Is there a transcript of this interview anywhere?
  5. N

    TenX Dash Debit Card – Slipping Dates Proposal Update - Dash Force News

    I'm glad people are holding Proposal owners accountable.
  6. N

    May 2017 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

    Awesome, I think everyone appreciates it when the community is kept in the loop like this.