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  1. BolehVPN Dash Advertising

    Fair enough and I apologize. I have to admit I jumped the gun a bit as it just seemed peculiar to pay for advertising (if I take up an account I intend to pay for it after the trial) and yet not know what kind of publishers you're appearing on. I understand privacy laws however your publishers...
  2. BolehVPN

    Let's get thinking

    I don't quite see what's the issue with finding out ways to use IX in real world. IX in itself is to make instant transfers just like real cash. So yes, POS systems, wallets, etc etc all just need to integrate IX. A nice first step is to get exchanges to support IX (Poloniex for e.g.) and to...
  3. BolehVPN

    So, anyway...

    I think camosoul would have gotten his funding eventually and at the very least his reimbursement if this was in a much more nice tone rather than 'u guys owe me and suck'. I appreciate his contribution but I would have preferred more detailed plans being drawn up and more on a stage by stage...
  4. BolehVPN

    Dash PoW Security Proposal: P2Pool nodes

    True p2pool nodes can be sprouted quite easily though and doesn't have to hold a lot of miners in one node. Vultr instances for instance already come with 10 gbps ddos protection inbuilt.
  5. BolehVPN

    Dash PoW Security Proposal: P2Pool nodes

    Good point. Though in my plan it would only be subsidized for 6 months and then perhaps I'll introduce a 1% fee once enough miners are on it.
  6. BolehVPN

    Dash PoW Security Proposal: P2Pool nodes

    Good discussion guys :D I may just launch a few with my company as a way to support the network I guess.
  7. BolehVPN

    Dash PoW Security Proposal: P2Pool nodes

    Throwing this idea out there as I think this is important for the security of the Dash network. As Dash mining isn't very profitable, this is often not looked at much but I do think it's important that we really need to examine our miners and hashrate distribution. This is Dash's current...
  8. BolehVPN

    Private Encrypted Email

    I would disagree, the way Protonmail is designed is that they do not have your keys.
  9. BolehVPN Dash Advertising

    Hi all! Jerry approached me on this but as I could not get any information on the ad networks or sites that they would be using (they mentioned it was cause of confidentiality agreements but being a lawyer and having some experience with advertising with digital ad agencies, I'm a bit suspicious...
  10. BolehVPN

    New Video - Translations

    This is for Malay (slightly different to Bahasa Indonesia) Transcript: 1 00:00:00,130 —> 00:00:00,979 Jika anda sedang menonton video ini, 2 00:00:00,979 —> 00:00:03,190 anda mungkin tertanya-tanya: apa itu Dash? 3 00:00:03,190 —> 00:00:04,560 atau 4 00:00:04,560 —> 00:00:05,830 apa itu...
  11. BolehVPN

    Public Awareness Q4 report

    Thanks for this :D
  12. BolehVPN

    Possible Bug on masternode start-missing

    I noticed that recently since I've done the command of "masternode start-missing walletpassphrase" The command brings a new fresh line but does not respond with any output and then dash-qt starts hanging and will not recover. If I unlock my wallet first and then do masternode start-missing it...
  13. BolehVPN

    mining dash with asic

    That isn't entirely true. Evan did state that he did intend for it to eventually reach ASIC stage and that it's ASIC resistant not ASIC proof. "Evan Duffield, the creator of Darkcoin and X11 chained-hash, has wrote on several occasions that X11 was integrated into Darkcoin not with the...
  14. BolehVPN

    What's preventing multiple votes from the same 1000 DASH?

    I was wondering when someone takes their masternode offline, what happens to the votes they have already cast? Also, what's preventing someone from using the same 1000 DASH, creating a masternode, then after voting, terminating it and creating a new masternode from the same Dash? It may be...
  15. BolehVPN

    How do YOU accept Dash?

    I use the to get it denominated in USD
  16. BolehVPN

    January 2016 Budget Proposal

    Looking forward to Minotaur's updates. Also, as for voting, I agree that voting should be made easier and hopefully built into the client in a GUI form that makes it much easier to vote on. Dashwhale is making great steps in that direction. :D
  17. BolehVPN

    Addressing the Premine issue for good

    This is a good post and start