Search results

  1. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    Done wget
  2. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    From BCT :
  3. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    Yes, but are you sure that his masternode was not listed at one moment, then was on the list to be paid, then disapeared, then get paid... As I know you can be paid some time after your MN got unlisted. (don't know exactly how is done the list "to be paid"(or valid) but I imagine that at each...
  4. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    Maybe.. Mine did not recieved a payment yet.. I made your test with only one downgrade and yes exctly the same.. We will see, and I will check if the 5 still on 16.6 receive a payment today...
  5. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    Hi, So I see that I'm not alone. To confirm what said by Yikadee I just made the downgrade of 1 of my MN to 15.21 : only start the deamon remote (I don't make masternode start from local) And after few seconds I saw all my 6 MN from this MN (15.21)... The downgrade MN : saw 1186 masternode in...
  6. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    Well after maybe 2 hours all my MN were unlisted... Restared them from local. Will monitor later again. They list more or less 200 Mn, with small diference from one to other. Edit: and again after some times all unlisted again... All now have 205 : lebubar@MN6:~$ ./darkcoind masternode list |...
  7. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    6.5 MN updated without problem all seen all of them. Great work again! But they don't see the same number of MN : lebubar@104:~$ ./darkcoind masternode list | grep ": 1" | wc -l 204 ____ lebubar@install:~$ ./darkcoind masternode list | grep ": 1" | wc -l 163 __________ lebubar@108:~$...
  8. Lebubar

    v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

    So... Just came back from work, and I read all this, what to do upgrade? or wait a patch (surely in less than 24h)?
  9. Lebubar


    well once you are with root user just type : passwd And put two time your new password. You don't need the old password. Did you get an error or something?
  10. Lebubar


    I make it yesterday, and this link work : wget Just test it and still working.
  11. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Received tks for the experience. I'll make my 4th MN with the refund, as this was to lowered the variance of the payment. But was fun thanks again vertoe, with men like you make me proud to be part of the DRK comunity. Adios........
  12. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Same here use the same address as the payment one , that I'll send you in PM too for double check security.
  13. Lebubar

    Drk for Laughts!

    what I'll do to 'Shojayxt' if I met him :
  14. Lebubar

    New Masternode share - 9 partners wanted, 100DRK each, 1 month renewable agreement...

    Recieved! Thanks... I think it should be easier to think about the Payday if we made it last day of the month.. If everyone agree. Crouton, you didn't take a fee to pay the rent of the server? cheers
  15. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    lol. One thing is sure.. Lot less stupid people here :wink:
  16. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Camosoul..... At least you are here in drktalk... :eek:
  17. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Hey Vertoe, I saw that there is 61,143 share, what is the limit where you will not accept more share? If I remember you were speaking about 63 or 73 MN don't remember. And if this limit is always valid? Keep your nice work.
  18. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Payment received... Thanks for your great work
  19. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Received and happy =)
  20. Lebubar

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Vertoe, until when can we send you more drk for next round..? Anyway I'll buy little more and send you later today. Have a nce week end, and a kiss to the family :wink: I have NO plan to withdraw my share so if I ask you to withdraw to another addrress than the actual just DON'T. I m unable to...