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  1. MrGold

    When dash Masternode Operators become comfortably well off

    I've completed a new improved rev of the white paper WhitePaperPoverty-0.0.11.pdf here: ttps:// In it, a way to pay land owners a certain price for their ecosystem services by using those services as money is described, along with the...
  2. MrGold

    When dash Masternode Operators become comfortably well off

    As you know from the post in the pre-proposal section, I'm plotting and scheming to persuade We The People of these united States of America to purchase a one year budget supply (for their central government) worth of dash, operate masternodes, and vote on budget proposals. The following is the...
  3. MrGold

    When MN operators get richer than Croesus

    Here's another approach: Given the requirements set E1 through E14 above, a) is it possible to produce a product that meets those requirements? If they are correct, and if a product is manufactured that meets them, and if Dash is used as the stepping stone, then the ledger will experience a...
  4. MrGold

    When MN operators get richer than Croesus

    The idea here is to scale the new USD so that entire USA central govt. budget is paid with newly printed money, in payment for ecosystem services rendered by those 251M acres of trees owned by We The People. Substitutes money collected by threat of violence with an inflation tax. It keeps the...
  5. MrGold

    When MN operators get richer than Croesus

    I was hoping to attract interest with the last part of the first sentence, where $4.5T worth of dash gets purchased by the treasurer of the USA. WTPOTuSA is simply what it sounds like, meaning the official story, the citizens of the uSA (lower case u in deference to the case used in the...
  6. MrGold

    When MN operators get richer than Croesus

    This is similar to Ricardo Temporal's Dash Dollar post, but more ambitious. I think it is a pre-pre-proposal. Why this ppp? Because of this pitch, written up in WhitePaperPoverty-0.0.1.pdf which is stored in this directory:
  7. MrGold

    Announcing my departure from Dash Core Group

    Thanks from me too Andy. :)
  8. MrGold

    Dash marketing mentioned as important by vlogger

    Here's some more words of recognition of the value of marketing, from The Dollar Vigilante newsletter: "The main reasons I liked it were that it had a built in “marketing” component to it. A certain portion of all Dash mined is used to market the coin. And, Dash also has a focus on usability...
  9. MrGold

    Dash marketing mentioned as important by vlogger

    At 28:50 this youtuber discusses the importance of marketing, and specifically calls out Dash.
  10. MrGold

    Reality Check: Who is going to control Crypto ?

    Good Episode Ben, and nice going on the Dash bullet.
  11. MrGold

    Cryptocurrencies illegal?

    The part I've so far been unable to wrap my head around is the value proposition for transaction focused networks like Dash. Tax and legal tender laws force, literally, with the brute squad, demand for fiat. So if a merchant accepts Dash for payment, she or he has to purchase a certain amount...
  12. MrGold

    DASH Business Development Strategy Update - FEB 2017

    I wonder if this is a fatal flaw in the MN voting system. Any person or group, with any amount of expertise, or lack thereof, and with any motivations, may operate a MN and therefore vote. I got caught up in the hype of IS and PS and didn't understand that the core team has not been adding...
  13. MrGold

    JasonHan - NONE Delivered Miners (Scam ?!) X11 ASIC Baikal

    Sounds like a sarcastic way to say that govt courts, which are funded by govt guns with their judgments enforced by govt guns, suck.
  14. MrGold

    BIG treasury

    In the 2018/01/10 ABJ video linked above someone asks her "what if a state actor operated a MN?" She wasn't worried because you have to have nice skin in the game so you will vote nice. We can only hope that some state actor, such as say WTPOTUSA (We The People Of The USA), decides to execute...
  15. MrGold

    BIG treasury

    I'm not worried. MNOs hate people who run away with their money, and have recently funded a proposal to keep track.
  16. MrGold

    BIG treasury

    I don't think budget winners have any legal responsibility to the MNOs. The MNOs paid their money and took their chances. The person(s) who control the winning ledger entry are legally responsible for her/his/their actions. They can keep their vote getting written promise to the MNOs, or do...
  17. MrGold

    Donating DASH from the budget to the Venezuelan people

    Someone commented that the Dash treasury should not fund charity. I'm trying to wrap my head around that. It seems like real money that helps real people could be a tremendous advertisement for Dash. Because Dash isn't just the ledger entries, Dash is also the treasury.
  18. MrGold

    Dash Needs to Move to Proof Of Stake

    "I am NOT a do-gooder trying to save the world." I don't think anyone needs to defend against accusations of wanting to help their fellow Planet Earthicans. I believe I heard Mr. Duffield himself mention something about do-gooding in the open house last spring. In my opinion, consuming...
  19. MrGold

    Dash Core version v0.12.2.2 (64-bit) not mixing

    Okay, so it means that 0.78 Dash has been mixed for 4 rounds. It now shows Available: 0.79 Dash at the top, and under PrivateSend it says PrivateSend Balance: 0.78 Dash. Thanks for patiently helping me to understand. I agree that not truncating the number would be helpful.
  20. MrGold

    Dash Needs to Move to Proof Of Stake

    I don't know better, but not shooting you down in flames at all. I recently felt like someone was walking over my grave when I saw ADA pump with its supposedly provably secure POS method. I'm all in favour of burning less juice, and upon first read your algorithm seems sound. To do this...