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  1. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Greetings DASHers, I write to you from the Federal "camp" in Devens, MA where I have been since June. Prior to that I was held at the low/med security prison next door since April, and prior to that was held in a jail in Merrimack County, NH since October 2023. You may have heard I was...
  2. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    I have federal sentencing on Monday but if they lock me away I'll be sure Bonnie or Mark keeps in touch.
  3. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Thank you to everyone who supported the 12 month proposal! Onward and upward!
  4. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Ok, I just PMed him about it. Thanks.
  5. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    A major theme on our show is escaping the dollar and using alternatives, like DASH or Goldbacks, so all the options DASH has for being used dovetail with our on-air messaging in general. Crypto should be held AND spent. That's why we've worked to get local businesses to accept DASH and people...
  6. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Updating the ad copy this week to remove reference to DASH DIRECT and plug in the ad with suggestions for living off dash. Also mentioning briefly the decentralized Maya Protocol.
  7. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Chainlocks isn't explained in any detail at all. Surely you read the ad copy I posted that you specifically requested, right? Telling me what "I better say" is not persuasive. I don't like being told what to do.
  8. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    I decided to include Chainlocks even though it's a little technical, because we don't try to explain it when we talk about DASH. Though our audience is general, we have discussed the 51% attack on occasion, so for the more crypto minded in the audience, it's a quick little mention of something...
  9. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen. Happy to take suggestions on things to cover, though. Feel free to post ideas here.
  10. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Here's the current on-air copy as requested by "itsdemo" on DashCentral. Note, this is just the basic live read - sometimes we get more detailed on the discussion, so this only serves as a base for what should be in the ad. There are four pages, each page is a different ad, with the final page...
  11. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    lol, here's the proof I'm not an agent: I'm currently facing 20 years in prison after the feds raided my house partially over selling BTC and DASH in crypto vending machines. As I said, feel free to call in and tell us why MNOwatch is so useful. I'm on personally...
  12. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Looks like a really useful website for someone who wants to dig in deep to MNO goings-on, though it looks very 90s. Might be worth you calling in to explain why it's so handy, but I can't see regularly mentioning it as part of the ad campaign. You have to remember who the audience is. I think...
  13. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Hi Vazaki, Perhaps you don't really understand these promotions. Our audience is a general audience that listens to talk radio stations. They are not masternode owners, hence their interest in the individual proposals that are being considered by masternode operators is approximately zero...
  14. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Update: Earlier this month, after the news came out that DASH DIRECT was shutting down, given we had a DASH DIRECT ad running, it was replaced with one saying that it wasn't the only way to get gift cards with Dash at a discount, and then introduced Bitrefill as another option. Coming up, once...
  15. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Thank you all for the continued support. Looking forward to talking about DASH on Maya Protocol hopefully real soon!
  16. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Interview with Rion was so good we spent two of our three hours on it! If you missed it live, you can watch it here: or listen via MP3:
  17. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    The next, now quarterly, proposal is up, still at just 32 DASH per month: Coming up this Saturday night, we welcome DASH's lead strategist Rion Sovereign to the show as he is wanting to discuss how to phase out the banking system, a topic near...
  18. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Bonnie was able to send some DASH from Edge on iOS last night. Also, thank you for the renewal! We will come back with a three month proposal, per feedback from the comments.
  19. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    Surprised - usually Edge is on the ball. Thanks for the update.
  20. FTL_Ian

    Pre-Proposal - DASH Returns to National Broadcast Radio

    We did report on the chain outage last night, as it's important to keep listeners informed. Looks like blocks are being produced again according to the post from @dashpay on twitter and 80% of MNs are upgraded to 19.1. So, does that mean it's safe to tell listeners that they can transact again...