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  1. rango

    Create your budget proposal and lobby for votes with Dashwhale

    Creating a DASH proposal that get's funded takes 3 things: a good description of your initiative a place to lobby for votes with high concentration of masternode owners technical knowledge how to submit your proposal Create your proposal with Dashwhale to benefit from: our new proposal...
  2. rango

    Coin mixing with linux non GUI wallet?

    Is it possible to do coin mixing with the linux non GUI wallet? I did not find any commands related to that with dash-cli help? Thank you in advance, Rango
  3. rango

    [Budget Proposal] DASH on the Aquidabã Tennis Open Campaign Reimbursement

    Guys, please also check out the respective Dashwhale proposal page and discusson:
  4. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Budget proposal discussion area We beefed up the budget proposal area. You can now post comments to each proposal. Comment feature is build reddit style, to ensure latest and most relevant posts stay on the top and also new posts are visible to everybody. Additionally, we...
  5. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    moocowmoo Nice work!
  6. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Ha ha ha, that's real DASH love!
  7. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    NEW: Android app The new Dashwhale Android app has been released by Paregov: Monitor your masternodes on the go! - Masternode monitoring and budget voting
  8. rango

    V12 Release

    UdjinM6 Faster than light. Thank you man!
  9. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    NEW: Budget proposals The new budget proposal page is available. Your can upvote and downvote proposals to increase or decrease proposal visibility with regard to other Dashwhale visitors. Comment feature and direct masternode voting capabilities will be available soon...
  10. rango

    V12 Release

    UdjinM6 The value RemainingPaymentCount is not updated correctly within dash-cli mnbudget show. It should be -1 for the public-awareness and core-team proposals. What is the difference between the values Alloted and TotalBudgetAlloted?
  11. rango

    My many masternodes dont win not onсe

    Solaso We released a new masternode monitoring service 2 weeks ago ( If you have problems keeping you masternodes running, it might be a good idea to use this service to get automatically notified in case of an error. A bunch of parameters are checked to ensure your masternode is...
  12. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    NEW: Masternode notifications available! Get notified in case of masternode errors or masternode payments by following services: Pushover (Android & IOS push notifications) Slack Email - Masternode monitoring service
  13. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    jpr, there are several ways to get a return for the work. Preferred idea is a combination of blockchain funding and donations of users to individual donation addresses, so we can display something like a golden tail with the users donating to the service, to provide an incentive to donate. Not...
  14. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Thank you for your friendly words, italx. Some people run a server with multiple IPs and multiple masternodes on one server. So, if you run 3 masternodes on one server, you can simple configure all 3 masternodes in the dashwhale.conf file and the dashwhale-updater collects the data from these...
  15. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Some users reported problems installing dashwhale-updater perl dependencies. We just released an updated package (v2) of dashwhale-updater, which includes a compiled version of dashwhale-updater, that does not require any dependencies...
  16. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    jpr splawik21 Thank you very much for your comments, guys. All masternode IPs and addresses are public to everyone (dash-cli masternode list). All masternode owners somewhere rent a server and pay for it. So if you think of law enforcement for some reason tries to find the postal address of...
  17. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    @SirHikamat Thank you, slack integration will be available with the release of the notifications system by the end of this month.
  18. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    We just released the first batch of improvements: 1. Earnings: added a new graph depicting daily earnings for all of your masternodes within the last 60 days 2. You now see the protocolversion of your masternode on the masternode details page (even without dashwhale-updater). The...
  19. rango

    V12 Testing Thread

    Soon proposals will be displayed on (masternode monitoring and proposal voting/discussion service). You can find more information here: Best, Rango
  20. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    AjM Thank you, typos have been fixed. oaxaca The platform is ans will be open to masternode owners and regular users. Both can use the shoutbox (now) and will be able to comment on proposals (future). Only in case we suffer from spam/abuse, we can take advantage of the ownership status to stop...