Search results

  1. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Nextpay & enhanced privacy Trying to guess, when your masternode is going to be paid is a pain. To fix this, we are happy to introduce the new "Nextpay" status. It's a simple bar allowing you to evaluate at a glance, when next payment occurs. The bar switches to green, when your masternode...
  2. rango

    DASH MN Monitoring Software: dashR - Released

    The script is intended to be installed on every server you run one or multiple masternodes on. Running the RPC server on an public IP not a good idea. You are right. Parsing the RPC credentials from dash.conf makes sense and will be implemented with the next version. The older versions did not...
  3. rango

    DASH MN Monitoring Software: dashR - Released

    nmarley If you are looking for a complete solution to monitor, automatically restart multiple masternodes including notifications, also check out the Dashwhale-Updater script (requires account) Example config: our...
  4. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Automatic restart of crashed or hung masternodes Dashwhale updater is a script, you install on the server you run your masternode. It collects the version and the blockheight of your masternode and checks, if your masternode is operating correctly. The data is pushed to the Dashwhale server, so...
  5. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    stan.distortion This might be some useful ideas for the future. But currently, there are only 2-3 proposal a month. So making the voting process more vivid is not really worth the work now. But in the future, when hopefully more and more proposals appear.
  6. rango

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    Fixed Dashwhale iOS app is also in review since > 7 days. Apps with low amount of installs seem to take 10-20 days to pass the review process. Quite unprofessional Apple handling!
  7. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    De-clustered voting If you run multiple masternodes and use the manual wallet "vote-many" function on commandline, all votes for a proposal are submitted to the network within one second. So it's easy as pie to see which and how many masternodes belong to one owner. To counter this issue, we...
  8. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    stan.distortion Ha ha, you are right. The proposal ultimatively proved that Dashwhale is a suitable platform to handle proposal description and discussion in one place. 42 comments so far and some side strikes on BTC. Dashwhale made it's way to so many new minds in the community. That's an...
  9. rango

    Dash iPhone Wallet

    Holy crap, i am eagerly waiting for this baby to become released :cool: :smile:
  10. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Masternode incidents We just released the new masternode incidents feature. It is a history of the critical downtimes of your masternodes including the date and duration. This is very helpful in a variety of situations including quality assurance of external masternode hosting services.
  11. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Dashwhale budget proposal We just submitted the proposal to cover basic Dashwhale operations. You find detailed information on the proposal here: We would be glad to receive your support and are happy to take your questions! Best, Rango
  12. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Enhanced proposal editor Good news for DASH proposal owners. We integrated a WYSIWYG Editor, that allows you to fully style your proposal description and add images and videos.
  13. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    @Pablo Thank you for making the proposal suggestion. We'll give the donation system some days. If we see, that it does not allow coverage of basic Dashwhale operation costs, we'll submit a budget proposal. So things will end up in some kind of hybrid funding: budget proposal + individual user...
  14. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Dashwhale donations Since we did not want to implement a regular subscription model to fund basic Dashwhale operation, we implemented a personal donation system. Every whale has it's personal donation address. As a donator, you are able to assign your funds to the projects you value as...
  15. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    We further improved voting based on your suggestions. All proposals, where you did not vote, are now highlighted on the budget overview page. So you easily see, where you still have to cast your votes. Android app apostroph shputbox issue has also been fixed by app dev and will be pushed to...
  16. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Thank you for your kind words, guys. The implementation of voting at Dashwhale is as secure as theoretically possible. If you enter your privkeys, they are encrypted directly in your browser. So our server only sees the encrypted value but never your real privkey. If somebody compromises our...
  17. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Yes, there was an interruption with one of your voting submissions. I made the system submit the remaining votes, so it should be fine now. can you please chcek? If there is still a discrepancy, please vote again for the proposal. I will make some changes to the system, to avoid these kind of...
  18. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Comfortable, trustless masternode budget voting We are very exited about the launch of our new voting service, allowing you to comfortably submit your DASH budget votes via the Dashwhale website. For the setup, you simply have enter your masternode privkeys on your masternode settings page...
  19. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    New proposal generator We just released the new Dashwhale proposal generator, removing the pain from proposal creation. You can simply select the payment cycle, timepoint and amount to generate the command for proposal submisssion. All inputs are validated, so you can be sure your proposal...
  20. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Claim proposal ownership Proposal owners can now claim their proposal ownership in order to enter the proposal title & description. They will be also able post progress reports and documents soon. Proposal owners are highlighted within discussion.