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  1. Coachdigi

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Investment sheet All the payments done with my Coinomi Wallet The last payment is my wife´s and my dinner (not an IOS issue)
  2. Coachdigi

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    First Dash Meetup at The Deck and Wonkingdead Foodtruck. Date: July 11th, 2017 (Tuesdasy) Time: 6:00 - 8:45 PM Meeting attendees: 25 First Dash Wallets with $10 dollars in Dash currency: 25 Establishments accepting Dash: 2 1 Printshop: Impretekcancun...
  3. Coachdigi

    DASH Español, spanish information hub

    Some photos of the meetup we had at Wokingdead
  4. Coachdigi

    DASH Español, spanish information hub

    We need the information in Spanish, I met @JZA in a Bitcunners meetup and we are working together so we can have more establishmets that accepts Dash, starting in Cancun and then in all Mexico and latinamerica. For many establishments owners its dificult to learn about cryptocurrencies and it...
  5. Coachdigi

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program Yesterday we had our first Dash meetup at the Wonkingdead foodtruck at "The Deck, Cancun, Mexico", it was a great event with a lot of gains. a) 1 Printshop that accepts Dash b) 1 Foodtruck that accepts Dash c) 25 First Dash...
  6. Coachdigi

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Today I´m having a meet up in The Deck Cancun Foodtrucks in Mexico ( . 2 Foodtrucks will accept Dash so the people can spend their $10 Dollars. We are waiting for more than 20 people.
  7. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    Today I´m having a Dash Meetup with 2 Foodtrucks. this will be a test for every body. Thank you, I´ll will study it so the Foodtrucks can use it, Today I´m having a meetup Dash talk with 2 foodtrucks andI´ll se their POS needs so we can satisfy them.
  8. Coachdigi

    Official Pre-Proposal: Proposal Evaluation Committee

    Can you help me with feedback? thank you
  9. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    Last week I spoked with the Foodtrucks and these week I´ll speek with the University Cafeteria and the Head Coach of the football team
  10. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    ok, thank´s to #FirstDashWallet I know how to use Jaxx, I just wanted to confirm that there isn´t stilla POS. Thank you
  11. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    I had a short talk with the owner of "the Deck foodtrucks" and he said "Yes". Next week I´ll have a meeting with the 14 owners of the foodtrucks in "the Deck", so I want to know what POS app We can offer them?
  12. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    I´m working on the MKT plan, next week I´ll post more information. Meanwile Footbal Team 70 Women Flag Football Team 30 Total players 100 from: August 1st to December 16 Players meals/week...
  13. Coachdigi

    pre-proposal: creation of an University Dash Ecosystem by sponsoring Anahuac Cancun's football team

    Me: I´m coachdigi "Helio C. Torres" and I´m an industrial engineer studying the last semester of a marketing masters degree at Anáhuac Cancun University , Mexico ( I´m a math and physics teacher in a public high school and I´m also a coach at the Anahuac...
  14. Coachdigi

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    Hello, How can I get a debit card? THanks
  15. Coachdigi

    DashPay Point-Of-Sale (Project Updates)

    I´m talking with some foodtruckes in Cancun about adopting DASH. Can one of these foodtrucks be a beta tester? They want to see them working so they can trust them. Hello and excelent work.
  16. Coachdigi

    Dash Mission and Vision Statement

    Hello, Is the mission and vision statement the same since 2015?