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  1. X

    ZKP(Zero Knowledge Proof) to hide source code (especially mining algorithm)

    Or do what I propose which is to make the algo and algo params dynamic based on block number: This is the only protection against mining centralization. You need a variety of algos running in parallel. Otherwise, changing the algo...
  2. X

    Let's get GoCoin to accept DASH

    Looking at their homepage I can quote the company as saying the following: Ideally, when a customer asks if you accept a certain form of payment, the answer should always be yes. The dash community has asked that dash be accepted. Will they commit to always saying yes?
  3. X

    March 2016 Budget Proposal

    I have the idea of a dynamic algorithm: It is really the only resistant way. Any individual algo will have an ASIC eventually. Due to the specialized nature of ASICs if there are many different algos that change and whose parameters...
  4. X

    Dynamic Mining Algorithmn

    A huge issue with bitcoin is that mining is no longer accessible. Mining is an easy way to enter a crypto-currency. In addition, miners tend to be ambassadors of the crypto-currency. When # of miners drops from 10,000 to 500 due to centralization caused by ASICs it creates a loss to the...
  5. X

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    As mentioned yesterday in this thread, I have already begun to sell my dash holdings. No reason to wait around and see what a clusterfuck one-way enforceable contracts will be. Imagine you hire a guy to do work for you for a year and he dies after 1 month. Enjoy making those extra payments dash...
  6. X

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    I created an account just to echo what everyone has echoed. There must be a way to cancel the contract. It is pretty simple. In any contract made between the network and service provider stipulate that if 75% vote no then it will be cancelled. That way they know at least 25% need to be voting...