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  1. Jorge Saez

    Dash Trujillo

    Hola Lorenzo, gracias por el comentario y por el apoyo. Sin duda seguiremos trabajando. Gran iniciativa lo de DASHText, muchos exitos con eso. Saludos desde Trujillo. Hello Lorenzo, thanks for the comment and for the support. No doubt we will continue working. Great initiative what DASHText...
  2. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hi @The philosofers coin thanks for your comment and for your support. In fact, for the moment it is our only limitation and I understand that the budget is somewhat adjusted for the moment, while this changes, we have continued working here, thanks to the contributions received from people who...
  3. Jorge Saez


  4. Jorge Saez


    感谢您的评论。我们真的很想在这里做,不仅是推广项目,我们知道这是必要的,但我们需要更多的东西,更大范围的项目。而委内瑞拉的结果是,因为它有利于加密货币的法律框架,这是完美的场景。目前,我们将以这种方式开始。 关于融资问题,确实如此,我们仍然有这个限制。 但是,我们一直在这里工作,我们在不同的行业和企业良好的合作关系已经接受短跑在我们的状态。 作为一个更新,本月29日,我们将尽我们的第一次聚会,我们将参加DashForce在Wilcardmeetup的形式,因为我们有一个预算,由15人参加,其实大多数,但在短跑将获得$...
  5. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Update! In partnership with the University of Los Andes, the authorities of this house of studies will endorse the certificates that we will enter in our university conferences. Our limitation is still the rate.
  6. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Gracias por tu comentario y por el apoyo. Desde Trujillo tambien cuentan con nuestro apoyo. Saludos, Thanks for your comment and for the support. From Trujillo also have our support. Regards,
  7. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Update! We still can not complete the voting system fee. We need a little help with this, through donations. You can help us start the expansion of DASH in Trujillo. Meet our team and advance our proposal (Subs: ES-EN-FR) Thanks for your support. Greetings from Trujillo.
  8. Jorge Saez

    Dash Trujillo

    Hola, gracias por el comentario, revisare su presentación. Saludos, Hello, thanks for the comment, I will review your presentation. regards
  9. Jorge Saez


    目前我们有一个预先提案,我们想要开始执行我们的项目,并开始在我们的州扩展DASH。 我们将在今年的两个阶段做到这一点,我们的预案是针对第一阶段的。 第一阶段是什么? 在这第一阶段,我们想要达到1100名大学生的总数; 600名来自安第斯大学“拉斐尔兰赫尔大学核心”,200名来自安第斯大学医学推广的学生和300名来自西蒙罗德里格斯大学的学生,通过吉拉达什大学特鲁希略分项目。 同样,接触120名企业家,实业家和投资者。 将给出相应的指示,以便在每次活动中,学生在每个活动中至少展示10个项目,这些项目将在学生博览会上展示,其中学生将捐赠DASH以便他们体验使用...
  10. Jorge Saez


    DASH社区你好!很高兴迎接你。 此主题是为了以我们的母语呈现我们的项目而创建的。 自去年年底以来,我们决定在本州建立DASH社区。我们进行了一系列的让我们看到了如此巨大的无知有关于DASH和这个新的技术和财政趋势的研究和调查。 这促使我们更加,尤其是当有对DASH非常有利的条件被用作支付卓越在我们的状态。我们的优势在于有非常有利的政府政策criptodivisas,交易员可以自由在任何criptodivisa交易人甚至还允许开采。 从这个意义上说,我们在委内瑞拉创建了DASH Trujillo社区。...
  11. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Update! Hello DASH Community! We have made some updates: We have updated to the new and amazing DASH logo. We have changed our roadmap. Note: Our roadmap has been changed because we have not yet managed to complete the 5 DASH necessary to upload our proposal to Dash Central and due to the...
  12. Jorge Saez

    Dash Trujillo

    Update! Hello DASH Community! We have updated to the new and amazing logo DASH! Because we have not yet completed the 5 DASH needed to upload our proposal to Dash Central and due to budget planning, we have postponed our project for another month. To know more about this change in our...
  13. Jorge Saez

    Dash Trip - Introducing Dash as a Payment Method in the Tourism Sector of Venezuela

    Excellent initiative! Focused in one of the most important sectors of the country. Without a doubt a great way to continue expanding DASH throughout Venezuela! Many Success boys! Greetings from Trujillo.
  14. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hola Marco, Thanks for your comment and for your support. We are already working on these alliances, thanks for the suggestion. I'm happy to see the initiative you took with your current pre-proposal, it's excellent! This allows us to continue expanding DASH in the different sectors. I'm sure...
  15. Jorge Saez

    Dash Trujillo

    Update! Hello DASH Community. We are really happy and proud to present our First entrepreneurs to accept DASH as a means of payment in Trujillo State! In the realization of our research and in the field work that we have been doing for the realization of our DASH Trujillo Project, a series of...
  16. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hello DASH Community. We are really happy and proud to present our First entrepreneurs to accept DASH as a means of payment in Trujillo State! In the realization of our research and in the field work that we have been doing for the realization of our DASH Trujillo Project, a series of...
  17. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hi, thanks for your comment and for your support, I totally agree with you at that point. The transport problem is one of the most common problems at the national level, and every day it becomes more evident. Through the adoption of DASH in Trujillo, we can develop projects that are aligned...
  18. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hello DASH Community! I make this comment to notify that we have made some updates in our pre-proposal. Thank you all for the support, for your good wishes and for the suggestions of great value! Happy day for everyone! Greetings from Trujillo.
  19. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hi, thanks for your comment and for taking the time to read our proposal. Undoubtedly, the work has been carried out with a view to covering various areas that allow us to attract a broader public and efficiently achieve the achievement of the objectives proposed in the project. Great projects...
  20. Jorge Saez

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Hello, thanks for the comment and your good wishes. We have spent some time developing field works here for the realization of this project. With respect to the community, we are the 8 main ones in charge of the elaboration of the proposal and the development of the project, for each of us...