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  1. halso

    Smarter contracts anyone ??

    I still don't get smart contracts. Can you give one really good use case?
  2. halso

    Smarter contracts anyone ??

    i agree with @tungfa . Its important to remember what statoshi invented; the decentralised, free, anonymous, instant transfer of value. Whatever crypto refines that key innovation will take home the chocolates. The underlying protocol should focus primarily on that vision. If some other...
  3. halso

    Interview with Evan Duffield on Dash Evolution's Roadmap - Dash Force News

    YouTube automatically creates subtitles now in videos. Maybe there is a way to extract the text.
  4. halso

    Plotly releases "Dash" product

    Did we trademark the name Dash?
  5. halso

    Dash an analysis of its true potential and future ...

    Sometimes it's easy to dwell on the pain points. (Mixing speeds used to be my bug bearer). But it's not unusual for a startup to experience growth pains. In general, we are moving in the right direction. I actually think it's great we have competing teams trying to increase treasury...
  6. halso

    Development - Proposal Progress - Integration

    Any news on the roadmap? @AndyDark mentioned it would be released last week.
  7. halso

    Pre-proposal: Dash Branding for Sydney Harbour Racing Yacht

    Hi biltong, are you planning to publish the PEC report here?
  8. halso

    New release imminent?

    Core have previously stated their combined holding is under 10% so it wouldn't be that surprising if that was the case.
  9. halso

    May 2017 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

    The successful implementation of BitAuth2017 could have huge implications beyond crypto.
  10. halso

    Can we include a Korean language section?

    An increasing amount of Dash volume is coming from Korea but we don't have a Korean language section on the forum.
  11. halso

    A Potential Goldmine: Making The #FirstDashWallet Campaign Permanent

    I would support a continuation of the project, but not sure about putting all our eggs in one basket.
  12. halso

    AA on dash governance and hard forks

    AA came to town to talk about hard and soft forks and the ongoing bitcoin scaling debate. So we asked him about Dash's governance solution to contencious protocol changes. (Question starts at the one minute mark).
  13. halso

    Pre-proposal: Dash Branding for Sydney Harbour Racing Yacht

    Hey guys, giving that Dash is trading close to all time highs, exchange rate risk becomes a real problem for this (and other) proposals. Can i suggest using a 30 day average Instead of using the spot price? This would mean an effective exchange rate of approximately $145 per dash. The risk...
  14. halso

    Pre-proposal: Dash Branding for Sydney Harbour Racing Yacht

    Hi everyone, I am a crew member on David's boat. I introduced David to Dash and encouraged him to put forward this proposal. The boat races out of the most prestigious yacht club in Australia where there are lots of potential investors. With this proposal we get at least 5 years (probably...
  15. halso

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    I think the technical name is Dollarydoo. :)
  16. halso

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    Nice! and to change to Aussie dollar (AUD)?
  17. halso

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    @pille is there a noobs guide to how i amend the Dash amount and save the settings?
  18. halso

    Pre-proposal - Travel, Gain DASH and Support Charities

    Will it be possible to actually pay for a booking completely in dash? This is something I would be interested in. At the moment, the only option is to convert Dash to BTC and use cheapair for hotel bookings.
  19. halso

    Proposal: Dash Venture Capital

    Hi everyone, I met Jarrod at the Dash open house and can confirm he is a smart guy with good VC experience. I have one question in relation to the 75 Dash, what exactly will that be used for? Will it be ring fenced for the 5 Dash proposal fees for people with good ideas?