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  1. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    So then they wouldn't encrypt their wallet from the start with a password (which again, is stupid). This is just poor logic for a feature that isn't needed (seriously, can't be bothered to type in seconds after a passphrase, really?). If they aren't sure how long, they issue the walletpassphrase...
  2. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    But I guess the real question is, why would anyone want to go from a password-protected wallet to a non password-protected wallet?
  3. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    If you're doing a two-step process as is, then it's no different in time length to do walletpassphrase and then the additional walletlock if you chose an absurd unlock time.
  4. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    Again I ask the purpose for it. Why would you want to go from a secure form of protection to whatever goes from lack thereof.
  5. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    Not sure why but send your coins to a fresh wallet that isn't encrypted, or import your privkey from the address if you are partial to it to a non-encrypted wallet.
  6. oblox

    Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

    It never left.... do: walletpassphrase YOUR_PASSPHRASE #_of_seconds_unlocked 10 minutes = 600 seconds You could arbitrarily put 99999 and then when you are done, just issue walletlock.
  7. oblox

    Masternode Android Monitor

    Strange, no issues here.
  8. oblox

    Masternode Android Monitor

    Uptimerobot to your port and you'll get an email when it goes offline/online.
  9. oblox

    How to make a Darkcoin Paper Wallet

    Assuming you already dumped your private key (dumpprivkey), you have to unlock the wallet you're importing into and then at the console: importprivkey "PRIVATE KEY"
  10. oblox

    Extended Darkcoin Team

    Congrats, well deserved all.
  11. oblox


    The specialized guides for setting up masternodes need to do without tailoring to vultr or amazon. There is no reason they couldn't show an end-user how to look and find an appropriate vps to host on, further explaining the details of why diversifying hosts is beneficial. Most people just follow...
  12. oblox

    Roadmap - Plans for the next release

    Sounds about right. If the time for 8 rounds could be reduced to that amount of time, there isn't any reason not to default to 8 and get rid of the option to specify less. Better pool of pathways and better represents how powerful multiple rounds can be in terms of anonymity through obscurity.
  13. oblox

    Roadmap - Plans for the next release

    With dead change going to the network, it's a non-issue at the moment.
  14. oblox

    Masternode missed payment

    How long was it stopped? If it was too long, you might be bumped to the end of the queue.
  15. oblox

    Masternode missed payment

    Patrick was mentioning ideas about how to do without them, any ideas if it's plausible in the near term or still other things ahead of schedule? I'd imagine at this point, it will be more of splitting tasks for feature implementation, no?
  16. oblox

    Feature - 2 Factor Authentication

    I know this is still preliminary, but could someone setup a rogue client effectively unmasking these pins for the 2fa or is this not possible because the network just sees the encrypted end-result?
  17. oblox

    Roadmap - Plans for the next release

    Yep, Graphite works for me as well. Other suggestions would have been what was originally posted from me with Shades of Black: Obsidian, Slate, Midnight, Ebony, etc Mineral/gemsone names are pretty solid for releases anyway: Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Opal
  18. oblox

    DirectBet – LIVE Sportsbook & Racebook. NEW Design !

    XjuNjvZysYwYvf1ngur2UmvW6XLJEEt5Tb Thanks Already voted for you guys as well.
  19. oblox

    Masternode missed payment

    It's still an alpha feature at best.
  20. oblox

    v0.10.17 - Onyx v3

    Protocol bump: