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  1. TroyDASH

    A Potential Goldmine: Making The #FirstDashWallet Campaign Permanent

    Thoughts on feasibility @amanda_b_johnson , @dashdisciple ?
  2. TroyDASH


    Right -- we know for sure that Lee who was in a position of influence, would have fought against it, so that is one hurdle that no longer exists.
  3. TroyDASH


    The major exchange that was funded/added a couple months ago was Kraken. There has been no official word about how receptive Coinbase or GDAX is about adding Dash or whether they are planing to add.
  4. TroyDASH

    [Request for Improvement] Make troll-proof

    I agree with this. It makes sense because I recognize that there is a need for both. Ideally there should be a venue for non-MNOs to discuss proposals if they want to (the forum, slack, Reddit,...etc), but there also needs to be a venue for MNOs exclusively, which is something we don't have...
  5. TroyDASH

    Proposal: - Taking Dash to #1

    It's one thing to use a pseudonym and be anonymous, it's another thing to have a pseudonym and be anonymous with no pre-existing reputation. As the administrator of this site it actually does put you in a position of significant influence. And although I might be comfortable proving I own a MN...
  6. TroyDASH


    I would buy more if I had more dollars
  7. TroyDASH

    Create two fiat currency banks in Puerto Rico that operate with both fiat and decentralized crypto c

    So you are seeking to raise $1.5m from private investors then, it really has nothing to do with whether or not they are masternode owners or whether they have any dash at all (it is up to you to convert into whichever denomination you want for your holdings). What is the order that you would...
  8. TroyDASH

    Create two fiat currency banks in Puerto Rico that operate with both fiat and decentralized crypto c

    I don't think it's good enough for the equity to be pledged to assist the network. If we wanted to do that then we might as well just give the Dash foundation an open ended million dollars to do whatever they want with. When the dash network pays out from the budget, any control over those funds...
  9. TroyDASH

    Create two fiat currency banks in Puerto Rico that operate with both fiat and decentralized crypto c

    I know what fractional reserve banking is. The reason I said "pay for" is because we are taking equity that previously belongs to the network, and now it belongs to the owners of your bank. Even if the dash foundation and/or individual dash friendly investors are the sole owners, what reason is...
  10. TroyDASH

    Proposal: - Taking Dash to #1

    Pinging @Biltong I like the idea of doing this although I would like to know more about who "we" is.
  11. TroyDASH

    Create two fiat currency banks in Puerto Rico that operate with both fiat and decentralized crypto c

    Why in the world should we pay $1.5m to meet the reserve requirements? Imo, we should pay for doing what it takes to ADD Dash. If you were starting a bank with no crypto you would still need 1.5m for that.
  12. TroyDASH

    Proposal Idea: Gradually Reduce Proposal Fee

    Judging by what we have seen already, I am fairly confident that no budget proposal that suggests to use any particular hardcoded fee amount will pass. Even if it's for 5 dash. IMO, this is doomed from the start. Proposing one for 5 dash might be more productive because at least the failure of...
  13. TroyDASH

    Preproposal - Dash Fund

    If the average proposal size was 10 dash (5 for the fee, 5 for the project), there would be 700 proposals per month. Impossible for MNOs to properly evaluate that many so I don't think we should be worried about special accommodations for proposals where the requested amount is less than 30.
  14. TroyDASH

    Preproposal - Dash Fund

    It's interesting to see these two approaches to addressing this issue. I like this one in particular. What I'm looking for is a simple way for people to be able to sponsor proposals and assume a share of the risk, and that's exactly what this does. It would certainly be an improvement to the...
  15. TroyDASH

    DASH – FIAT gateway proposal

    I still don't understand what you are even trying to develop. If I am an end user how would I use this service? Take me through the process flow.
  16. TroyDASH

    Dash Core Team Q1 2017 Summary Call

    @kot Can we have an update on this please
  17. TroyDASH

    The "Evolutionary Women of Dash" PinUp Calendar

    No, having targeted marketing campaigns to reach untapped markets does not make a person view the target group or groups as inherently superior to any other group. Trolling hard this time @demo.
  18. TroyDASH

    The "Evolutionary Women of Dash" PinUp Calendar

    There exist "worthy" people among the group of people defined as women and non-fintech people. This marketing effort outreaches to these target demographics as noted by the OP and may cause exposure in a way that existing efforts do not. Your argument is invalid.
  19. TroyDASH

    Mathematical system to show value of Cryptocurrency

    Doing a split like that does not affect true supply. The number of coins is completely arbitrary...
  20. TroyDASH

    InstantSend For Every Transaction?

    The fee isn't negligible, and I don't think we can arbitrarily lower it and also make all tx's use it without doing a really thorough security review. Also, remember the fee is per input. If you try to use InstantSend from a PrivateSend balance with dozens or hundreds of inputs, RIP.