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  1. Stealth923

    Dash Core Group Q2 2018 Summary Call - 10 August 2018

    Core - read my questions, read the questions from @DeepBlue, pull your finger out and be transparent.... I wonder what some of the leadership team do all day long? doesnt seem like anything of substance is being achieved.... The Whats going on with Dash reports is now a copy/paste job of...
  2. Stealth923

    Dash Core Group Q2 2018 Summary Call - 10 August 2018

    1) Does Core have any comments on Dash's performance relative to other projects. i.e. moving from 4th place to 15th place in 6 months? What does core attribute to this drop? How can core play a role in increasing investor confidence. (not hype). 2) When will the community see something...
  3. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    So I compared your previous report in June with this one just released.... June: Roadmap "Validating Estimates" July: Roadmap "Awaiting Estimates" Care to explain why we have gone backwards from validating to now waiting again?
  4. Stealth923

    DashCopay Release Plan

    Do we get a list of identified issues that have been resolved?? The build notes for the iOS version are "Hey check out our latest build" - some professionalism to software development update principles from the Core team would go a long way......who have you got coding this? Monkeys? Where is...
  5. Stealth923

    Welcome Ernesto Contreras - Regional Manager Latin America (LATAM)

    Welcome Ernesto - Welcome to the Dash team, good luck with everything and all the best!
  6. Stealth923

    Dash Copay beta
  7. Stealth923

    DashCopay Release Plan

    Congrats team, it has been an epic long slog to get here, I hope it makes it out of testnet this time!
  8. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    The first step in fixing a problem, is to first admit that you have one. I am a long timer at Dash and the post by @Alexander Chopan is the first communication I have seen that acknowledges and takes responsibility for the problems that exist in Core. Most of the time its been smoke and mirrors...
  9. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Yeah its started to make me wonder about how the Dash Team Leads, the CEO and other heads of Core actually track progress, if at all. I think delays go unnoticed for long periods of time without any repercussions in the team. i.e. someone says we need "xyz" delivered by this date. When that date...
  10. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    I wouldn’t expect a flashy easy to read roadmap. I am expecting text in bullet point form like the last one. Set your expectations low otherwise you will be disappointed. At this stage I just want something delivered from Core. The more we drop in price and ranking the more pressure it puts on...
  11. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    "Finalize and release updated roadmap" has been listed in "whats next" since the first Whats going on with Dash 3 months ago.....and is now over 6 months stale....great for investor confidence!
  12. Stealth923

    Greencandle robs treasury of 330 Dash.

    It’s pretty easy to put green candle out of business. No project will ever be approved by the MNOs using green candles if this is true. Would like to hear a response from @Green Candle @greencandle_clark @greencandle_jeremy @coingun
  13. Stealth923

    Proposal: Core Team Public Relations (July)

    We have had Wachsman on the books for a long time now and I have seen ZERO evidence that they are doing a good job with Dash. 1) Dash is still seen as a privacy coin, we are a leading payments platform yet from a PR perspective nothing has changed. From a PR perspective what have they done to...
  14. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash - April 2018

    Link, I can’t see any it on the dash blog or website?
  15. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash - April 2018

    Great work - again, this needs to be shared outside the forums. On the website, blog etc.
  16. Stealth923

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Last I heard he was going to be Chief Architect and the new CTO will help out with external activitties whilst Andy will be internal resource. Good move imo. Also, I am happy to see Core finally getting their act together with respect to transparency and communication. It only took 2 years and...
  17. Stealth923

    Change Block Reward % from 45/45/10 to 42.5/42.5/15

    We need to make smarter decisions about proposals which will generate actual value to the network. Price “should” rise from these decisions and from that more budget becomes available. Don’t change the protocol. Increase useage and adoption instead.
  18. Stealth923

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    After showing the wife, she likes the Ogilvy one, but not sure about the all capital letters in Dash, most brands have moved to lower case, less shouty. Anyways here is a quick mockup with lower case. The logo sits better in the Dash when its lower case.
  19. Stealth923

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Ogilvy and Mather is sold for me - ready to vote!
  20. Stealth923

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Too much pink like in the Ogilvy presentation, it looks a bit crazy and hard on the eyes, I prefer the blue and purple as per below) - looks great with grey images. Will take more time to digest and marinate - they are both much better than what we currently have imo. Love the below from...