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  1. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    I don't think we can just take the twist out of the middle of the D... That *is* Dash.
  2. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Letting it marinate more, I think Tharp & Clark is the winner.
  3. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Ah wow. These are both leaps forward aren't they. And yet, I can't help but want to see more revisions. The biggest design mistakes I've made in my own career have simply been not asking for more revisions. Here are my thoughts: I love the Ogilvy concept but yearn to see a C linked with the...
  4. feedbands

    Ben Swan wants a free lunch and give no account of funds. Lets fund these 5 projects instead.

    I respect your viewpoint and your concerns. If I may respectfully address your points one at a time: 1. Regarding the ads that we show to people. On google, our greatest push towards merchants has been to show ads to people searching specifically for "how to accept bitcoin" and "how to accept...
  5. feedbands

    Ben Swan wants a free lunch and give no account of funds. Lets fund these 5 projects instead.

    Just want to jump in here and show everyone the ROI transparency dashboard Feedbands has been working on that will allow you to track every dollar of our ad spend, every click, and every goal / conversion from our campaign. Please note: We're still tweaking it, and not...
  6. feedbands

    Dash branded ledgers

    More of a Trezor kind of guy?
  7. feedbands

    Google Ads - Facebook Ads - Reddit Ads Update Thread

    Quick update regarding the ad bans from Google / Facebook / Twitter. We are going to continue to pursue merchant facing repositioning through the legacy channels, but aside from that we are now shifting gears to focus on forming direct advertising relationships with top referring sites...
  8. feedbands

    Dash branded ledgers

    Hi! Maybe someone is working on this already, but if not I'd like to get it into motion. I recently received a SALT branded ledger. It's very cool. Polished metal branding right on your hardware wallet. There were lots of people at the Dashfest using cryptocurrency for the first time and...
  9. feedbands

    Feedbands Official Update Thread

    We are about to drop LOTS of content for this, the event was an overwhelming success. We hit capacity at our venue every night. The line to get in was literally around the block. All food and drink was sold ONLY for Dash. Complete newcomers to crypto got dash on the spot and spent it all night...
  10. feedbands

    Google Ads - Facebook Ads - Reddit Ads Update Thread

    Yes, of course. It is a requirement of our escrow agreement to prove our spend and sharing access is the easiest way. Will confirm once it's all set up. That said, we still want to share the dashboard which Core can confirm its accuracy. We are not sure if it would be better to make it...
  11. feedbands

    Dash takes out full page newspaper ads in all the largest newspapers

    Currently talking to wall street journal, new york times, and usa today which are the top 3 newspapers in the US by circulation
  12. feedbands

    Dash takes out full page newspaper ads in all the largest newspapers

    Agreed, full page ads usually receive additional reporting and publicity, especially if done across multiple papers and make a huge mark. My team has our hands full with the Feedbands Dashfest for the next few days so communication will be spotty but we are already working on obtaining...
  13. feedbands

    Dash takes out full page newspaper ads in all the largest newspapers

    Dash Nation, Today Google issued a statement that cryptocurrency ads will be disallowed in June. Current Feedbands / Dashinforner budget takes us up to June and we will make a huge impact between now and then. After that, we believe we will be able to successfully continue advertising dash as...
  14. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal: DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - MASSIVE ADOPTION PROGRAM (2000 merchants in 3 months)

    Agreed. We must move swiftly to adopt Venezuela Let's light this fuse
  15. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal: DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - MASSIVE ADOPTION PROGRAM (2000 merchants in 3 months)

    Dash informer standing by, ready to push hard in Venezuela across all advertising channels to support this.
  16. feedbands

    Pre-Proposal: Lobby for Dash (Phase One)

    Just want to jump in here and offer my 2 uD I first met gerundo, in person, a few months ago in Austin through my network and we talked extensively about the political lobbying process. I left those those conversations so thoroughly impressed by both her knowledge and first hand experience that...
  17. feedbands

    Google Ads - Facebook Ads - Reddit Ads Update Thread

    Quick update everyone, escrow funds have been received and we are gearing up to get this going in just a few days! We have been working diligently since the end of last cycle on a beautiful new landing page, the design was completed about two weeks ago, and our developers are just about ready...
  18. feedbands

    Feedbands Official Update Thread

    Awesome! The event is March 15, 16 and 17, 2 to 10pm. You will need a dash wallet to get in ;) something tells me that won't be a problem. Address is 1010 E Cesar Chavez See you there! (and don't forget to come hungry and thirsty :) Also, if the Festy team is still around for a day or two...
  19. feedbands

    Dash Gateway Plugin for, so that 400,000 Shopify store owners can accept Dash

    How will your plugin differ from GoCoin which already offers a Shopify plugin to accept Dash?
  20. feedbands

    Getfreedash for Nigeria, Kenya , India and others at $2 per user, looking for partners to join me

    Also I do hope you will make arrangements to bring a fluent spanish speaker on to your team