Yes absoluty we need a sub-DAO for Venezuela, no centralization and more oportunities to the people of the coountry, i have any contacts in politics in the national assembly that can be useful but we need to wor with transparency in Venezuela first so i am avaible to improve the work.
And i...
I think the same!!!
(and below or behind)
and you can use dashman too when be more produced, to atract attention of young people
see dashman pre-pre-proposal here in my presentation...
the poor countrys are the big oportunity for this network because can grow faster, and usea dash is more useful than in a country with economics wealth and equilibrum.
i think is necesary make serious economics plans for this kinf of projects
Pronto haremos el primer meetup en Alicante España para hacer la conexión de trabajo con los equipos de Venezuela, principalmente la corporacion Bitcorp y DashLara Venezuela y Dash trujillo
we need to make better things in Venezuela now in this next stage. conferences its not enough and in Vzla a PDVSA executive gains 50$ max 24.500$ for salarys is madness.
Hi. am working in a comic about the crypto world but is a lot of work time and resources of my team, i need help to grow the idea and make it posible.
I know that this revolution is for the young people, my heroe was Goku, then other generation takes Naruto and other tha actual cartoons, now we...