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  1. xkcd

    Why did Dash fail so miserably? Here is the main reason. And here is a proposal for a way out of this failure. No one had to buy more Dash, so strictly speaking, no one is asking for more money from investors. In case you are talking about proposals, to pass they always needed to reach a super majority of the votes. Were bad decisions made, yes...
  2. xkcd

    PSA: You need control of your Payment key in order to get paid on Platform

    These are the mysteries that we don't have good answers to at the moment because we cannot test these scenarios on testnet. What I would do in this case is set BOTH eMNs to the SAME payout address and then when you can do a withdraw for both using the one address. What the actual mechanics are...
  3. xkcd

    PSA: You need control of your Payment key in order to get paid on Platform

    The credits will still accumulate even if you don't have control of the address, but you would not be able to withdraw them to Dash when the time comes to do so. In the case you have the payment address on HW wallet, you would still need to produce the private key to remove the credits from...
  4. xkcd

    PSA: You need control of your Payment key in order to get paid on Platform

    Dear eMNOs, This is a public service announcement to let you know that you need control of your masternode payment key in order to get paid on Platform. This means in case you are currently running a evonode where the payout address is the exchange deposit address, you will be locked out of...
  5. xkcd

    Why did Dash fail so miserably? Here is the main reason. And here is a proposal for a way out of this failure.

    Dash is on the verge of finally delivering the long awaited Dash Evolution, 7 years in the making! It is interesting to see people fudding this news now at the eleventh hour. Curiously, the masternode count is not dropping, but rather increasing, the price drop has given a new cohort of...
  6. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    Yes! You are right, same change there.
  7. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    The code in this post looks perfect to me, the percentages have two decimal places of precision. The code can be shortened by removing the several...
  8. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    Yeah, the variable percent_yes_emn needs what I posted above to show the correct level of precision. Here is the latest tally.
  9. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    The 4x multiple is not required, unless we are adding votes to the MN votes. Some suggestions, change to Saves two lines and change, to Gives us two decimal places of precision, there is a quirk in bc that I cannot solve otherwise.
  10. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    Another update to this script. I am now determining the net yes votes and then taking the percentage of those compared to all that voted, let me know if this is helpful. #!/bin/bash # Use dash-cli if working, else assume a dashmate is to be used. if dash-cli -version >/dev/null 2>&1;then...
  11. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    and just for fun, I wrote this version where I removed the awk and used bash to tokenise the string on our separators, so we get each item we care about cleanly in 3 different variables. It should be faster and some systems may not have awk, so this is better. #!/bin/bash # Use dash-cli if...
  12. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    Yep, you can update your original post with the new code, you are right, I missed the print out section, I did not change it. Also, the section initialising the counters is not strictly required, bash will set an uninitialised variable to zero on the first use, so you get the same results, but...
  13. xkcd

    Shell script to fetch Masternodes and Evonodes current voting on a certain proposal

    I have updated the code to make it more better. #!/bin/bash # Use dash-cli if working, else assume a dashmate is to be used. if dash-cli -version >/dev/null 2>&1;then output=$(dash-cli gobject getcurrentvotes 615d8a6d4edafdcee65ff16ab9c7bacef6f5d1b1096466c0957f0441287dcc90) else...
  14. xkcd

    TorGuard VPN 50% Off - Now Accepting Dash!

    Thanks! This works ! 🥳
  15. xkcd

    POSE banned Evo node "is not a Regular"?

    How much RAM usage are you seeing? My server is still seeing the same 11GB per instance.
  16. xkcd

    POSE banned Evo node "is not a Regular"?

    This is a complete red herring. The message you are seeing is completely fine.
  17. xkcd

    System wide Masternode Setup with Systemd auto (re)start RFC

    This will work for evonodes when we go live with them, however, the DMZ will need to be expanded to install the extra 4 or 5 services that make an Evonode tick, I will work on that when we have a stable tech stack, currently, we don't.
  18. xkcd

    POSE banned Evo node "is not a Regular"?

    You can do a pull request on the site. I agree that there does seem to be deficit when dealing with the evonodes.
  19. xkcd

    System wide Masternode Setup with Systemd auto (re)start RFC

    Recommended approaches for this is to edit the dash.conf file located in either /etc/dash.conf or /home/dash/.dashcore/dash.conf and add the parameter reindex=1 and then comment it out after restarting.