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  1. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    That looks like a Binance cold storage wallet.
  2. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Dude, do you know how many bugs I found in Core? I think at least 3 so far since before the release of v18 and another just last week. I agree audits are great and we should do them, but they won't catch many bugs. Was SOL audited, how about BSC? Static analysis is super hard, especially when...
  3. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    I have a suspicious feeling that you are more interested in the Forums than the Discord and ignore all the positive (ROFL) feedback in the Discord and dwell on the negativity in the forums. Stop being so paranoid, Sam is getting similar types of questions on all channels, the forum, the...
  4. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: Reassign Sam Westrich, remove position as CTO

    I agree with everything you said, in fact I've been saying the same thing of Evo for years now. We have definitely neglected our bread and butter and overspent on something that resembles vapourware, but I don't agree with your proposed action at this point in time. I am not prepared to throw...
  5. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: 50-50-Voting

    Absolute lunacy in your post, according to you we may as well give the bum in the street a vote! Fortunately, no stakeholder in Dash is going to agree to give 50% of the votes to the very same people trying to raise Dash it's stupid on multiple levels, just sit down and think it over.
  6. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    So, in tendermint you can configure the block time and it can be as agressive as once per second, but I believe on Platform it would be set once every few seconds since our network is well distributed across the planet and it takes a bunch of time to send data across the globe...
  7. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: 50-50-Voting

    Stop with this FUD already! Firstly, Binance have no history of voting in the DAO, secondly Crowdnode posts votes according to how its users voted in the API or UI. Crowdnode is a massive help with decentralising Dash because because it allows partial masternode ownership. Not only that, but...
  8. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Yes, this is how it would work, I don't know the duration of this quorum nor how new nodes are selected, I will try and find out. @QuantumExplorer
  9. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    I think the concern is around the cost of storing all that data replicated 3500 times. Platform would not crash because at any one point in time only 100 nodes will be active in consensus, this is how Tendermint does it and we have good examples of that working in the wild with Cosmos chain...
  10. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    To clarify on 'weejohnny' this node operator has failed to upgrade to v18, however, he has not de-collateralised his nodes, thus he is no longer able to vote, but he is not out of the game so to speak and thus it was right to consider his stack as an active whale in Dash...
  11. xkcd

    Dash Core & Platform Team Sprint Reviews

    Never ending circus, the updates are good, but the natives are restless.
  12. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Sponsorship at THOTCON hacking conference

    Sounds good, I like the website a lot as well !