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  1. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Generally, people act to conceal their collections, so whales prefer to appear as dolphins, and the dolphins prefer to appear as sardines, if anything, there are more clusters than MNOwatch has identified. So, for sure, plenty of people capable to run 4k nodes, even 10k nodes.
  2. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    I do not agree with this because if the ROI is better for the 4k Masternodes, then more people will combine their 1K collaterals and move to that pool, this will have the effect of increasing the ROI for the sardines. Thanks to MNOwatch, we know that there are more than enough people with 4k or...
  3. xkcd

    CrowdNode progress

    Today crowdnode released their Trustless Stake offering!
  4. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    I gotta correct this, because the 4k and 10k solutions do not disadvantage the sardines! Though a portion of the masternode rewards is taken from the PoW L1 chain and fed into the PoS L2 chain as an incentive to run platform, when nodes leave the 1k pool and consolidate to 4k, the payment queue...
  5. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    The 4k HPMN option has just reached funding! With a total vote count of 830 votes, out of a possible 3857, for a % of 21.5% of the MN network. That's one in five MNs that votes on this proposal. Surprisingly, both the 1k options...
  6. xkcd

    The PoW Extinction Event within 10 - 20 years

    Fuck'em. The China ban showed, that a country of even a group of countries can ban that shit and nothing changes, mining will happen elsewhere, big deal.
  7. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    There is some truth to what you write, we should be united, I think we still can be if we accept various levels of involvement, in truth we already have that, for example, someone with no Dash can run a full node, but pretty much do nothing else. Someone with 1 Dash or more can participate in...
  8. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    It is a free market, I will explain. Not so hastily ! In the 4k option (same applies to the 10k option) a free market develops between the two groups. Say for example the 4k masternodes have an ROI greatly exceeding the 1K group, then people with 4x1k nodes will consolidate them into one 4K...
  9. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    This is a little over dramatic. The network is voting on how to start platform safely, Platform is a POS and expected to have about 30k DASH in value on it. Things we know about POS systems is they don't scale well with more nodes, luckily, for a simple merchant directory and dash pay app (pay...
  10. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Sorry, I have no idea what I was typing last night, the ROI for the 1k option(s) is the worst of the bunch and will be less than we get now, whereas the 4k option is the one where the ROI stays similar to what it is now and the 10k option being the best for everyone.
  11. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    The ROI for 1k nodes is expected to be about the same as it is now due to the shorter payment cycle since overall there are fewer nodes being paid. This is expected to balance the reduction in their pay, however, to be sure the ROI improves, I think the 10k solution would be better.
  12. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like to be able to vote with number? (v2)

    I think base3 is very confusing, either way, I think Dash Platform could be used for governance and if that is the case, then perhaps the designers can consider something like this to make it more granular that what we have now?
  13. xkcd

    Dash Price Discussion and Dash Shortterm/Longterm Price Trend Speculation

    I don't think it is quite that bad. Here is how I see it. Running Evo on every node would be very expensive in hosting for the entire network and not add much in the way of decentralisation to the network, in fact the L1 nimble layer could get bogged down with the overhead of the Evolution...
  14. xkcd

    Dash Price Discussion and Dash Shortterm/Longterm Price Trend Speculation

    The current understanding is two-fold. Clarity around how Platform will be launched gives confidence in the coin. Evolution was not priced in the coin, it was assumed it would never launch. DCG appear to be ready to deliver however, this has blindsided the market. MNOs with 3 nodes are buying...
  15. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    Some big votes coming through this evening with the Blue Whale showing his fins and making a big splash for the 4k proposal along with the MasterBlaster. Keep tuned to Dash Decides 2022 right here and the dashpay sub reddit and the Discord and Twitter. :p...
  16. xkcd

    Why I will be voting YES for the 10k collateral High Performance MasterNodes

    Yep, lucky for us we are not doing that. :)
  17. xkcd

    Should Platform run on all nodes or should Platform run only on High Performance nodes ?

    The following decision proposals have just landed on the matter.
  18. xkcd

    Should Dash add MWEB?

    Yes, provided we can still audit the coin supply, ie there are no inflation bugs. Given that Litecoin has already implemented it, then I think this problem is already solved or impossible.