Search results

  1. ourlink

    P2Pool [12.03.03] - Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Piscataway, Seattle, San Jose

    I'd love that... I've been heads down improving our P2Pool Node Tracker putting in enhancements like Google Maps!! You can check it out for yourself on the following link - Give us your feedback!
  2. ourlink

    P2Pool All P2Pool nodes list

    I have a flavor of the P2Pool-Scanner running for DASH that you can see here; Let me know if you might be interested in running it on your end...
  3. ourlink

    P2Pool [12.03.03] - Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Piscataway, Seattle, San Jose

    We just released a P2Pool Node Scanner for DASH! Special thanks goes out to member Crahl for loaning us his sourcecode so that we could put this listing together. You can read more about the p2pool-scanner for Dash from our blog
  4. ourlink

    P2Pool [12.03.03] - Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Piscataway, Seattle, San Jose

    One of the features miners enjoy on our pools is the stats and charts for individual miner performance... Miners can view daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly stats for their miners hash speeds as well as payout statistics. Does your P2Pool Node provide that?
  5. ourlink

    P2Pool [12.03.03] - Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Piscataway, Seattle, San Jose

    All of our P2Pool Nodes have been updated to DASH Version 11.02.22! In addition, we have implemented a host of changes in the P2Pool node software too. You can read more off of our blog post -
  6. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    Crawl nice work... You need to promote and get the word out that you have this up... I know I appreciate it.
  7. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    I've been maintaining a fork of Vertoe's copy of p2pool-dark (dash) and submitted a pull request which was completed several days ago. I've kept it updated with All the changes made thus far. Also I have working copies of the dash_hash and dash_subsidy projects which are not yet up on GitHub...
  8. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    I'm working on a DASH version of the P2Pool Tracker and I hope to have it up in the next couple of days. I'll keep everyone updated on here.
  9. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    I believe Vertoe's copy is also up-to-date with all the changes since this last pull request was completed by him several days ago...
  10. ourlink

    Possible fundraising (via mining/masternode) options...

    I really like this idea... I've played with setting up multiple mining pools in the config files of miners and specifying a % of mining resources to be designated for each pool. Maybe we could build upon this approach and publish some suggested miner configurations.
  11. ourlink

    P2Pool [12.03.03] - Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Piscataway, Seattle, San Jose

    DASH - P2Pool Nodes Hosted by P2PoolMining.Us Node Information: Running Dash Core Version 12.03.03, fee: 0.5% fee. Switch your miners to our fast, reliable, up-to-date DASH p2pools. We operate and maintain multiple p2pool nodes which are geographically placed across the U.S. to improve latency...
  12. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    Updates to p2pool-dash maintained by vertoe have been merged with this pull request Making Vertoe's copy of p2pool-dash up-to-date! All pools are now running this latest version.
  13. ourlink

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    All of our pools have been modified to include Version 3 and IDENTIFIER='7242ef345e1bed6b', PREFIX='3b3e1286f446b891'!
  14. ourlink

    dash-wallet froze processing

    OUCH! Go after every lead you can to track the owner down and get your DASH back... Good luck!
  15. ourlink

    dash-wallet froze processing

    But if it's any consolation... Anyone that's been in this business for awhile will tell you that they have fallen victim to a scam or two along the way. There's just too many untrustworthy and dishonest people in this industry.
  16. ourlink

    dash-wallet froze processing

    blablabla I hope you didn't send a lot of dash to these guys... The first red flag is that they don't use any security (SSL) on there account login page. Shame on you for thinking these guys were legit!
  17. ourlink

    11.2 - Dash Release

    The outage due to enforcement is showing an impact on the exchanges... Not a good thing to have negative press so early in a rebranded currency. I hope the devs figure this one out quick and can do some damage control by providing a good summary of the issues and assurance the problem is...
  18. ourlink

    P2Pool [ANN][CORE][11.02.16][MIAMI] DASH01.P2POOLMINING.US | Miner Stats & Graphs

    Pool is running latest Dash version 11.2.16 and has been completely rebranded!
  19. ourlink


    Pool is running latest Dash version 11.2.16 and has been completely rebranded!
  20. ourlink


    Pool is running latest Dash version 11.2.16 and has been completely rebranded!