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  1. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    Amazing,...the participation in the encointer UBI proposal reached 6% , and we are currently offer 30-40 Dash to Encointer. We are closer to the 10% participation milestone! Go Dash community, Go! Lets vote the numbers...
  2. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    Thank you very much for the positive result, that currently offers 40 Dash to the Encointer community. Lets reach 10% participation in the Encointer vote, for this 40 number to be legitimate.
  3. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    The proposal is up and running. Please vote YES to the 4th digit
  4. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    Voting the numbers has always been convoluted since the beginning of the time, and it requires wisdom. "Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote the number of the beast, for it is the number of a human."
  5. vazaki3

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Announcement

    For those who dont understand spanish, here you are the same video with subtitles.
  6. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    They will probably refuse again, but shall we ask them nevertheless, so that their refusal to be recorded for the historians of the future?
  7. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    So should I not try encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4? It will be again a failure? Will the masternodes refuse to give just 1 dash to all the three Encointer Communities , currently consisting of 62 proven persons?
  8. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    I was wondering whether the reason of the failure or the Encointer UBI proposal was the voting range (0-242) and the resolution (3 Digits) I selected. Many people voted 0 Dash, maybe because for example they wanted to give just 1 dash to Encointer, and the resolution of the proposal allowed to...
  9. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?
  10. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Put the unvoted "10% net votes" threshold of the Dash Budget system into vote.

    <vote history> POLL: Would you like the status quo of the "10% net votes" to be put into a vote? cast a "like"(y) in this comment if you want this 10% to be able to change through a vote. cast an "angry" :mad: in this comment if you think that the unvoted status quo of the "10% net votes"...
  11. vazaki3

    Pre-proposal: Let's pay the MNOs who vote on proposals

    I may not be the responsible for announcing this, but this proposal is now into the budget system. #13
  12. vazaki3

    Pre-proposal: Let's pay the MNOs who vote on proposals

    Furthermore you approach is wrong because you propose something new without challenging the status quo. The current status quo is that the masternodes are not paid when vote, neither are banned when they do not vote for a long time. So you should fisrt cast a proposal describing the status...
  13. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash? <voting history of the proposal> Selected BASE3 type proposals Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 - Report = the_results_dashd_2024-07-01-00-53-08.html.csv Electorate = 3437...
  14. vazaki3

    Pre-proposal: Let's pay the MNOs who vote on proposals

    I think your approach is wrong. We should not pay the masternodes who vote. We should punish the masternodes who do not vote. IMHO the solution to the problem is this: In case a masternode does not vote for a long time (we could vote the numbers in order to define that time), his/her set of...
  15. vazaki3

    Universal Dividend and Web of Trust for Dash (v2)

    I came accross the below advertisment, and I wonder wether it is a scam or a real universal dividend. Anyone knows?
  16. vazaki3

    Why did Dash fail so miserably? Here is the main reason. And here is a proposal for a way out of this failure.

    Dash failed so miserably because there is no voter accountability. If someone can vote whatever he/she wants without consequences, the system collapses. What Dash needs is to track the voters (mnowatch) , track the proposals (dashwatch) and then apply quality measurements to the proposals and...
  17. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  18. vazaki3

    Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

    There is a new version/update of the quote: "The bread you store belongs to the hungry. The clothes you accumulate belong to the naked. The shoes that you have in your closet are for the barefoot. The money you bury deep into the ground to keep it safe, belongs to the poor. Your cleverness...