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  1. TanteStefana

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Where are the latest builds announced if not on this thread? Or should I be watching github? <<< I bet that's what I should be doing, eh? One last question; what's the command to get the build number. getinfo doesn't give the build number?? Thanks :)
  2. TanteStefana

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Not unless a new version was released and not posted here? I'm on the latest posted here :) It was probably my server? Although it was still running (the server) just Dash had shut down....? If the debug log shows nothing suspicious other than suddenly stopping, then it was my server...
  3. TanteStefana

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    So I just checked and saw my masternodes are no longer running. This is the last stuff in my log, but it could be my server was overwhelmed though it has 1024 ram and plenty of storage??: 2016-11-06 04:08:45 keypool return 2 2016-11-06 04:08:45 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED 2016-11-06 04:08:45...
  4. TanteStefana

    Private send option for vendors in wallet?

    Why would this be needed? For KYC?
  5. TanteStefana

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    so in about 24 hours, I mixed 58% of 2000 dash at 8X Is that about right? Private send multisession enabled
  6. TanteStefana

    What company would you like to integrate Dash ?

    I'd rather we slow down on private platforms and reach out to grass roots. Like I've said here, I'd like to see us make a simple app that is easy to use for small small small vendors, crafters that sell at conventions and flea markets. Make it so useful for them that they adopt the app, which...
  7. TanteStefana

    Dash needs to implement Shadowcash technology and truly be anonymous.

    I will give you this, that it is a little expensive (not price wise but time wise) to mix Dash. It would be nice if it were faster and were more automatic. But is it a choice? can it go both ways? (anonymous and fully auditable?) It doesn't require trust, it gives untrusted statistical...
  8. TanteStefana

    Evan Duffield and Andy Freer joining The Crypto Show tonight!

    Not really. ETA's that have already been given.
  9. TanteStefana

    Evan Duffield and Andy Freer joining The Crypto Show tonight!

    Ha Ha on the election rant. So true, but I just can't -not vote. I could -not vote on president, and I refused to give either democratic canadate in California a vote (new jungle election style kicks out all but the top two candidates, both of whom were democrats) But the local elections are...
  10. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    Can you post a link? I'd like to learn more :) Good suggestion, I'll try to put more time into this :D In the mean time, don't anyone hesitate to suggest things!!!
  11. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    The rest of that stuff, stuff that would excellent for mini marts (and heck, maybe places like 7-11 already use such things) would be awesome too! Of course 7-11 uses SAP and you're not going to change them, but you might change Alta Dena, or independent stores. It would be super awesome if we...
  12. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    ^^^^This^^^^ As far as "accounting" to pay taxes, most of these people try to stick with cash and do it all under the table (one of the ways they survive, 'cause competition is stiff!) For this little thing, this basic service idea I have, this is really all we would need. Right here, the...
  13. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    OK, if anyone ever had doubts about grass roots movements, the American election should remove all doubts! Hillary spent 5X more money on the election than Trump, yet Trump won. Now I didn't like either choice much, though I'll admit I hated Hillary more, but Trump definitely had the grass...
  14. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    Are you thinking about tips? I mean, I don't know of any restaurant that doesn't have a central pay station, even when the waiter takes your CC, they take it to the "register"?? For tips, I would think that a waiter/server could actually have their personal bar code displayed, and the customer...
  15. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    Mark? I thought you'd be Mike? LOL. Anyways, well yah! I know the core team hope for a top down approach, I just don't see why we can't have a bottom up approach as well, and meet somewhere in the middle! Dash as it is right now, not even with Evolution, is already a great tool for just...
  16. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    Dash can't compete if it uses a bunch of 3rd parties, Banks will do a much better job once they are on a blockchain. I think you're wrong here. The original Bitcoin vision was to replace fiat, but that is a difficult job. However, I don't think it's an impossible job! Attacking the problem...
  17. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    That's why (RC and indiamikezulu) I propose a simple app to draw "free merchants" in. Give them something EASY to use that helps their little booth, something they never bothered with because it was 1. too expensive to get such an app, and 2. too complex for them to deal with. These people are...
  18. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    I like that too! Is it possible to offer up something like this without the DAPI at this time? I would think so, if we make an extremely simple pos app???
  19. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    No, they don't. Bitcoin will actually help Banks stay relevant for a long while yet. That's ok, it was bound to happen, and I'm sure it will be profitable to any bitcoin holder. So, may I ask, do you think my simple plan is viable? Would it work? Does anyone agree, and would anyone help...
  20. TanteStefana

    We need Merchants USING Dash!

    Exactly, and you don't mention that your funds are tied up in this off chain for an indeterminate length of time (depends on what was agreed to) with a minimum of an estimated 3 months to make it even worth it. What's the use in that? It's no longer really an instant payment solution, but...