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  1. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hi @risinhigher. In the meantime I'll just mention, that the tool can connect to any dashd. Although it's most convinient, it doesn't have to be a dashd of your masternode - it could be a Dash-QT installed on your local machine, of course with activated RPC. Each dash daemon can serve as a MN...
  2. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hi @moocowmoo. Good idea with this GPG signing. I accepted invitaion and will try to implement it with the next release.
  3. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Yes, your collateral's Dash address is absolutely safe to publish. Its corresponding private address is protected by Trezor - it won't allow to extract it from itself.
  4. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hello @risinhigher After you send broadcast message you can unplug your Trezor and close the app, until next time you'll have have to start your masternode (eg. after restarted its dashd)
  5. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    New version released with functionality of importing data from masternode.conf file + other small fixes & improvements. Mac: Win...
  6. Bertrand256

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    If you have (or can buy) other crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum) I would suggest Poloniex to buy Dash for it. I have used it many times and every time everything went smoothly. They have a 2000$ daily trading limit for non-verified users and 25 000$ for verified, which seems very reasonable.
  7. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hi @methusaleh and @Populandum. The app was not meant to be a very serious work. I saw it rather as a, let's say, gap-filler solution, until the same functionality will be stable in Dash Electrum. Despite this, I sill plan to develop this application at its own pace, treating it as a backup...
  8. Bertrand256

    Public key form private key

    Hi, As far as I know, algorithm to convert priv to pub in Dash is exactly the same as for Bitcoin and is based on Elliptic Curve multiplication. It is well described in Andreas Antonopolous book: In turn, the...
  9. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hi @splawik21, thank you for feedback and help in narrowing problem with missing dll in the Windows-compiled executable. New, fixed executable for windows OS uploaded under the "old" location...
  10. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    And finally, compiled executable for linux ready for download:
  11. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Today's nightly version had a bug: config dialog did not pass the "RPC username" in the "Dash direct RPC" mode, so the app couldn't connect to Dash daemon. It is already fixed in v 0.9.1 Executable for Win...
  12. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    @chaeplin, thanks for the suggestion. By doing this project, I wanted to give something back to the community to help the Dash ecosystem to grow. I think, I should find enough time to complete all the functionalities the app should have. If I'll not manage to do that, I'll consider your...
  13. Bertrand256

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    Hi everyone, I know, that some of you were interested in starting Masternode with Trezor/Keepkey in a bit simpler than existing methods. If so, today I published an application (Dash Masternode Tool) which may be helpful with this task. It is published as an open source project, written in...
  14. Bertrand256

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hi everybody. I'm Bertrand from Poland. BTW: I'm working on a GUI tool for starting masternode with Trezor. It should be ready in a few days.
  15. Bertrand256


    @Janus, did you notice, that along with version 12.1, dashd configuration directory has changed from .dash to .dashcore? Make sure, that you modify .dashcore/dash.conf file, not the .dash/dash.conf.