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  1. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    My error. My statement stands though. It's still a rounding error in terms of the emission curve.
  2. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    Have you actually done the math to see how much value would be added to the remaining Dash if we burn 300 Dash?
  3. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    Have you actually done the math to see how much value would be added to the remaining Dash if we burn 300 Dash? If we end up with the lovely problem of having more Dash in the Treasury than we know what do with, I would much rather see it put in a war chest. The MN would control this war chest...
  4. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    Intriguing! I wondered about how often the various services query and things like propagation delay.
  5. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    For reasons that I am going to track down, the various places that keep score often differ, sometimes by significant amounts. Some say the Dash Core wallet is the gold standard. But I also have reason to believe that XK's site is the most timely/accurate:
  6. S

    Go throw a few yes votes on Rion's Incubator proposal. They are only 10 votes shy and there are 2 hours left. If that prop passes.

    If their prop passes, nobody else's prop get bumped out of the money. There is no downside and the Incubator provides a healthy element of decentralization for the dev part of the Dash ecosystem.
  7. S

    Trust Protector Elections are delayed because.........

    Despite several appeals on all the forums, and an informational proposal seeking candidates for the Trust Protector election, only one person stepped forward. For various legitimate/personal/life reasons , none of the current Trust Protectors will be standing for election and have stepped down...
  8. S

    Ok, the TP proposal seeking candidates for the upcoming TP election is live on DashCentral.

    Feel free to ask questions! You could help shape how money works for the whole world.
  9. S

    Ok, the TP proposal seeking candidates for the upcoming TP election is live on DashCentral.

    As noted, the TP proposal seeking candidates for the upcoming TP election is live on DashCentral. Don't all volunteer at once! Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.
  10. S

    We will be posting a proposal actively soliciting for candidates in the upcoming annual TP election.

    Howdy ladies and gentlemen. We are pretty much ready to launch the election process for the next class of Trust Protectors. Before publishing this as an information proposal, we would like feedback and constructive criticism. [9:12 AM] We are actively seeking candidates to stand for...
  11. S

    Dash Evolution | Marketing the Future - Proposal Withdrawn

    For the Network to invest in Evo marketing, it cannot be at the expense of underfunding Evo's actual release. However it takes time to build a marketing campaign. That's the big hitch at the moment. The value of Dash is low enough that we can hardly keep the dev team funded and pay our bills...
  12. S

    Friendly reminder, we have our regularly scheduled Trust Protector board meeting this wednesday.

    Friendly reminder, we have our regularly scheduled Trust Protector board meeting this Wednesday. If you have questions, concerns, ideas, marketing ideas etc, feel free to chime in. Also, that is now super easy since the TPs have their own website: We are collecting...
  13. S

    Better late than never, here is the 90 day report/scorecard for the Trust Protectors

    Thanks for the feedback Kot. It is also now available on the new Trust Protector wesite: Watch for new content as we find and produce more resources for the Dash community.
  14. S

    Better late than never, here is the 90 day report/scorecard for the Trust Protectors

    Howdy! Here is a link to our 90 day scorecard. I'm sure you will notice it has been more than 90 days. Our apologies for the lateness because of .....reasons. Every quarter I think to myself, "This next quarter should be easy and uneventful." Hasn't happened yet! Never a dull moment in the...
  15. S

    Friendly reminder, elections for Trust Protectors is coming soon. We would love to see some new passionate people throw their name in the hat.

    The Irrevocable Dash Trust, and the board that runs it (the Trust Protectors) are unique in the crypto universe. It is yet another thing that Dash invented. This unique legal structure give the shareholders a powerful voice (and ownership too!) in Dash Core Group. Bitcoin doesn't have that. Or...
  16. S

    Two, or possibly three Trust Protectors will be doing an AMA with Joel this Friday Afternoon. Post your questions here!

    As noted, we will have a live interview with Joel V (The Desert Lynx) this Friday Afternoon. Post your questions: 1. What do you want to know about the Dash universe? 2. What do you want the world to know about the Dash universe?
  17. S

    Only one day left in this month's voting cycle. The Dash Core Group supplemental prop still needs some votes.

    Only one day left in this month's voting cycle. The Dash Core Group supplemental prop still needs some votes. And of course, feel free to ask questions. This is the era of more and better communications with Dash Core Group. Solarguy, Masternode Owner, Trust Protector, CCABW (Chief Cook And...
  18. S

    Have a look at the transition CEO ScoreCard for Patrick Quinn. He lays out his 4 big goals for the first 90 days.

    Friendly reminder, the Trust Protectors publish 99% of their notes and minutes from every meeting (everything except for the tiny percentage that is legitimately private for various reasons). They are appended to this link, so this link is all you need to keep up with the current activity of the...
  19. S

    The voting deadline for the Dash treasury is only one day away. We need every Duff to help get Evolution-Platform launched. Get out there and vote!

    The voting deadline for the Dash treasury is only one day away. We need every Duff to help get Evolution-Platform launched. Get out there and vote! If you have a masternode, or voting rights for a masternode and you need technical assistance on how to do it, don't be shy. We have a fantastic...