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  1. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    Bitcoin is the number one coin for anonymity (with mixer service) by 100 miles, darkcoin hardly penetrated darknet, just like it hardly penetrated any merchants or businesses (although the tech is way better for Dark obviously) - like Evan and many merchants here said, the name is unfriendly and...
  2. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    i dont think it's important because dashcoin has like $0.03 volume per day
  3. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    no mate not dashcoins, i'm after DASH, digital cash, you got any spare?
  4. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    gimme the DASH!
  5. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    A lot of people dissing the name - DASH is good it just needs getting used to. If someone in the street says 'whats Dash?' and someone says 'digital cash' they go 'oh yeh'. you have to think ahead with it :)
  6. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    Dash, Digital Cash, D-Cash. all a lot better i think
  7. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    true! we need to think big to get anonymity globally :)
  8. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    Hey mate, you don't know me but I seen you in the BCT forum for long time I get you are unhappy with the strategy but did you think sideways for a minute - isn't a global currency called Dash that delivers total privacy and is also used by major retailers a better way to bring privacy to the...
  9. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    if you think the name change idea is taking away from the privacy angle we have now consider this... Dash used in the open market with a $1b market cap is going to be giving privacy to a *lot more* people than Darkcoin @ $50m market cap And if the market takes on Dash in a big way it will be...
  10. AndyDark

    Rebranding Followup

    i feel for the people who feel emotional about changing a name they have come to love, but Evan is right - businesses won't touch 'Darkcoin' and the average person thinks it's dodgy just from the name. Dash is very clever name, it conveys 3 things: 1. anonymity because cash is anonymous...
  11. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    lol yeh me too anyone who hears about it thinks it's illegal. it would be nice if the name itself didn't try to spell this out in big letters.
  12. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    Hi Tante But isn't Edufield saying that it's the purpose of darkcoin that's being basically expanded here and we need a new brand name to reflect that? if so then the question is what do people think of that and then the brand name should fit that. if the MN network lets us compete with...
  13. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    Hey Elm agree you have to be different but theres multiple ways to do that right not just the name 'Darkcoin'? I was trying to say that the just anonymity doesn't fit anymore because half way through the process Edufield came up with the 2 tier architecture branding now just on anonymity...
  14. AndyDark

    Rebranding and Scalability

    I agree that rebranding solves the main issue with the Dark being unfriendly for mass adoption and removes all the obstacles left to really compete with Bitcoin I can see from Edufield's perspective too that now we have this 2-tier architecture and its potential is real big and it wasn't in the...
  15. AndyDark


    Sorry for the noob question, but is there any differences to following this guide for RC5 instead of RC4? thanks
  16. AndyDark


    Awesome, thanks mate I will try this.
  17. AndyDark


    No probs, very helpful thanks. Does anyone know if it's possible to run multiple masternode wallets side-by-side on a single windows machine? EDIT: I found this for mutiple wallets on Linux so am looking for Windows solution...
  18. AndyDark


    ok thanks that explains it. so its just the masternode key on the linux server and not the private key from windows. thanks!
  19. AndyDark


    Hey there, Many thanks for your instructions on setting up the hot/cold masternode config, i'm trying to do this and these are the best instructions I found. Sorry for the noob questions, I am fairly new to advanced wallet usage, but 2 things I can't figure out here: 1. If the linux server...