Search results

  1. K

    [XPOOL.CA][Multipool] x11 | sha256 | scrypt | lyra2REv2 - KNC Titans, Large GPUs & Nicehash support

    Thanks for giving me an idea of dark you would receive per mhs/ day
  2. K

    [XPOOL.CA][Multipool] x11 | sha256 | scrypt | lyra2REv2 - KNC Titans, Large GPUs & Nicehash support

    You certainly will, what's the average payout per mhs of scypt per day would you say?? Thanks :)
  3. K

    [XPOOL.CA][Multipool] x11 | sha256 | scrypt | lyra2REv2 - KNC Titans, Large GPUs & Nicehash support

    Hi, I'm quite impressed with the figures, I will be getting my 2 asic scypt miners 32-35 mhs each on Monday, I will certainly keep my eye this pool, I look forward giving some more hash :)