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  1. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Taking account feedback here - proposal is now live: But keep comments, questions & feedback coming. Muchas Gracias
  2. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal on Dash School in Dagbani

    Yep - I have visited Ghana personally twice, at least in capital people spoke very good English. It seems one of the most stable countries in Africa, so country itself could a good target.
  3. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Okay - after changes - total budget decreased -25.96% from 392 900 to 290 889. Total cut is - 102 011 in USD value. Main things - less participants / less travels etc. + smaller prices for participants & mentors. As cryptomarket is still super volatile, then new budget is calculated 1 Dash =...
  4. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Wicked, thank you for a feedback! Very helpful. Absolutely - 150 Dash seems a lot in first second. But if divide this into smaller pieces - lets say for 5 teams - from 10 to 40 Dash - this seems more reasonable, isn't ? But i heard you, people. We will make some changes & will update new...
  5. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Thanks for a comment. Yeah - no-one like this word. My team biggest motivation is organize event only for carefully handpicked participants, who are all super talented. And there are zillion hackathon every week - so we need to build difference image from first second. But i think we found...
  6. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Absolutely. Thanks for a comment. A - Independent jury will divide 150 Dash among best teams. Exact amounts will decided sunday evening. It can be - winner team 100 Dash, second place 30, third place 20. But i can be a bit differently, if teams are more equal. B - Total of 30 Dash for 10...
  7. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Thanks for a comments, this kind of discussion is very helpful. And helps me to better understand is there any great chemistry between Dash community & my ideas. I do understand your view totally. I will overview budget in any case. What we could change. Usually biggest costs makes difference...
  8. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    200% - totally, this would makes things mush easier for apps. As far i understood then creating secure and distributed API for dash network is in the progress at this moment. But there is no any clear estimate yet. So i am trying to get any feedback from core team next days (or weeks). And will...
  9. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    And here is short video about potential location for event:
  10. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Yes, you are totally right - it is not cheap. But my core idea is to make this hackathon so different so this should feel like going Stanford or Harvard. Great people dont want to join usual hackathon, as those are happening everywhere any given moment. With so different quality. To attract...
  11. ragnars

    Pre-Proposal: Elite Hackaton for Dash Global Marketing

    Hey folks! My name is Ragnar Sass and i want to create Dashathon - Xtreme Crypto hackathon - mixing together world class marketers & engineers to find creative ideas how to growth hack Dash to bigger audience. A- engineering as marketing B - developing real use cases for Dash I am a serial...
  12. ragnars

    (Pre-Proposal) DASH at South by Southwest 2018 (SXSW 2018) - 6 person team

    SXSW is great event indeed! I would support more budget for some crazy stunt in guerilla marketing style. There are zillion logos already & getting real attention is super difficult without out of box solutions.
  13. ragnars

    Proposal: Marketing & Communication (February)

    Hi Ryan, thanks for a great update. Just one small question about markets. Why UK, Spain & Venezuela? What other countries your team is analyzing now beside these 3.
  14. ragnars

    A proposal now costs over $3,000

    Well, i totally support solution that fee will depend how much budget proposal asks. Paying 5 for 100 Dash project should be fine. Something what costs 20 Dash fee should be much lower. One solution is %, or other just 3 categories - 1 Dash up to 20, 3 dash up to 100 and 5 anything else.