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  1. mahowi

    sgminer 4.0 vs. 4.1?

    I'm running sgminer from djstone ( which is based on 4.1. I don't see any difference in hashrate.
  2. mahowi

    Diff at new height

    Network Info Difficulty 1050.40616063 This makes it more and more unprofitable to mine for such small miners like me with just 2 or 3 GPUs and high electricity costs. :(
  3. mahowi

    Mining power requirements?

    Yes. :confused: Energy is quite expensive here in Germany.
  4. mahowi

    DRK/BTC DRK/USD quote

    +1 Any news on this?
  5. mahowi

    Mining power requirements?

    My rig with 2 HD 7950's and AMD FX-6300 mining on 5 cores uses ~400 Watt. On scrypt it consumes ~650W without using the CPU. So with CPU on idle it's ~300W for X11 against 650W on scrypt. With energy costs of 0,28 €/kWh (~0.38 $/kWh) this really makes a difference.
  6. mahowi

    Hashing Speeds

    CPU MINING Processor: AMD FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz Mining Software: elmad's darkcoin-cpuminer-1.3-avx-aes Hash Speed: 300 kH/s (@ 5 cores) GPU MINING Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 7950 *2 Mining Software: sph's sgminer 4.1.0-96-g983e Hash Speed: 3.8 MH/s (1.9 MH/s per card)
  7. mahowi

    Mining suggestions for an i5 and NVIDIA

    You could also try Christian's new ccminer for mining Heavycoin, Fuguecoin or Groestlcoin. Source: Windows binaries:
  8. mahowi

    Imitation is the best form of flattery.

    I like DRK because of its innovations. That's why I started mining it after I stumbled upon the announcement thread on bitocointalk. But unfortunately it's price is still suffering from the C-CEX incident. And I have to pay my power bill. So I'm holding my mined DRK while I'm mining e.g...
  9. mahowi

    What other altcoins are DRKcoiners into?

    I'm currently mining Hirocoin because it is more profitable ATM. I mined scrypt coins before I came to DRK but my GPUs ran too hot and consumed too much power. Electriciy is expensive here in Germany.