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  1. mahowi

    Update DarkCoin Wallet

    It's the open-sourced version without darksend. When v0.10 is out of beta/RC it will become open source and replace v0.9. So the RC is currently still in testing phase.
  2. mahowi

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    And the third one is found! :) Congrats to yibble! :cool:
  3. mahowi

    Update DarkCoin Wallet

    You can't. Because only v0.10.x.y (RC) can use darksend ar the moment. The other way won't work either, I think. AFAIK both sides need to be able to use darksend. But please correct me if I'm wrong. That's how I understood it.
  4. mahowi

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Now I'm also mining at this pool, although my current hashrate is very small. But will this pool ever find blocks? :confused:
  5. mahowi

    Is down?

    I also have a problem with confirmation mails. I got the verification link but I don't get the confirmation mail to edit my account.
  6. mahowi

    Hashing Speeds

    GPU MINING Graphics card: NVIDIA Quadro K4000 Mining Software: ccminer 1.0 Hash Speed: 940 kH/s
  7. mahowi

    Wallet syncing with future blocks?

    I'm on the right blockchain and everything's working fine. And I have deleted everything after updating darkcoin-qt. I've seen this sometimes before with earlier versions. It seems to be more a cosmetical bug. It shows the correct block count (as I'm writing 65613) but looks like it wants to...
  8. mahowi

    Wallet syncing with future blocks?

    Why does the wallet try to sync the blockchain with future blocks? Current block is 65584, but wallet wants to sync up to block 267789.
  9. mahowi

    Herzlich Willkommen!

    Kann man eigentlich den Titel des Forums noch ändern? "Deutsch dunklen Münze Diskussion Forum" hört sich jetzt nicht ganz so toll an. :D
  10. mahowi

    darkcoind vs darkcoin-qt

    There should be no difference regarding security between darkcoin-qt and darkcoind. The QT Version is just a GUI for the daemon. The underlying code for all coin transactions is the same.
  11. mahowi

    Masternode - Feste IP

    Zumindest bei DSL scheint es das für Privatkunden nicht mehr zu geben. Da wird alle 24h eine neue IP bei der Zwangstrennung vergeben. Bei Internet über Breitbandkabel gibt es keine Zwangstrennung, daher bleibt die IP üblicherweise solange fest, solange die Verbindung besteht. Aber wirklich feste...
  12. mahowi

    Wallet v0.10.2.0: wrong date and time settings / no sync after block 46226

    Ok, I thought it has also been updated because there is a new version on darkcoin-qt.exe 20875264 Sat, 05 Apr 2014 20:26:18 +0000
  13. mahowi

    Wallet v0.10.2.0: wrong date and time settings / no sync after block 46226

    Yes, I know there has been a new version uploaded. I have downloaded it about 2 hours ago. Now I have deleted everything except my wallet.dat. If that doesn't help I'll go back to non-darksend version.
  14. mahowi

    Wallet v0.10.2.0: wrong date and time settings / no sync after block 46226

    Yes, time and date are correct. It's synced with an ntp server. But the main problem is that blockchain doesn't sync after block 46226 although I'm using the latest upload of darkcoin-qt.exe.
  15. mahowi

    Wallet v0.10.2.0: wrong date and time settings / no sync after block 46226

    I'm getting an error dialog when staring latest version (v0.10.2.0-unk-beta) of wallet for windows: ("Warning: Please correct you date and time preferences of your computer, because otherwise DarkCoin won't work correctly!") My timezone is CEST, blockchain sync stuck at block 46226. I thought...
  16. mahowi

    Germany Coin

    Ah. ;)
  17. mahowi

    Germany Coin

    Eben, diese ganzen "Country-Coins" sind ja relativ witzlos. Nichts wert und in den Ländern kennt sowieso nur eine winzige Minderheit die Münzen. Ich geh mal davon aus, daß 90% der Deutschen nicht mal den Bitcoin kennen, geschweige denn irgendeine der Altcoins. (Ach ja, was sagt denn dieser...
  18. mahowi

    Germany Coin

    :rolleyes: Ja, sehr witzig. Ich habe noch nicht mal was vom "Airdrop" mitbekommen. Da behalt ich dann doch lieber den Euro. ;) Und wir haben sogar noch eine zweite (wertlose) elektronische Münze, die Deutsche eMark. :D
  19. mahowi

    Lotterymining thread

    Sorry to hear that. :eek: I liked your pool very much because of it's uniqueness. I don't know why people only want to mine at big pools. Payout isn't bigger at other pools and 51% attack will always be a problem with such big pools.
  20. mahowi

    And now..?

    As long as nearly all of the altcoins are traded in BTC this is a threat for all alt currencies, IMHO. Darkcoin is more or less stable at about 0.0014 BTC/DRK. So if price for BTC goes down, DRK will also loose worth against Fiat.