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  1. C

    Suggestions For The Dash Community - Bounties

    Hey I really appreciate this detailed reply. Glad to see Dash is learning and improving as we go. I've been impressed with the inroads we're making in Venezuela. Perhaps a concerted effort to service that market would make great strides for Dash, and help a lot of people along the way.
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    Suggestions For The Dash Community - Bounties

    I'm a long time Dash Hodler. Recently I've been more involved in the EOS community, which intends to have a funding mechanism similar to Dash. I posted the following comment in the EOS governance chat group to try to help them learn from some of the trial and error I've witnessed in this...
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    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    Cool! Could you provide the link to where we can place an order for the card? I couldn't find it on your website.
  4. C

    Dash "stock split"

    Some years ago, I would have scoffed at this idea, but the more newbies I talk to about crypto the more I realize how much the "price" in USD matters, they naturally prefer a coin that is lower "priced" no matter what the supply is. It sounds silly for anyone that follows crypto but I've seen...
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    1969 VW DASH BUS

    Yeah, Blake dude, just give 'er. Seriously. Don't hesitate. You will be amazed at the support you will receive once you commit to the idea. Chances like these don't come along every day. You'll meet great people and maybe even spark a fire that blazes Dash across the nation. Share pics of...
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    PROPOSAL: ABJ to Shift From News Updates to Global Market Outreach

    I like your idea Amanda. Don't listen to the trolls. You will only be effective in carrying the Dash message if YOU are happy and believe in what you are doing. If you need to pivot, pivot! I'm sure the Masternodes will support you even if they don't express it on this forum. Some of the...
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    1969 VW DASH BUS

    And seriously, I'm interested in buying that bus (paid for with Dash) when you are done with it.
  8. C

    1969 VW DASH BUS

    Do it Blake! This is once in a lifetime bro! The masternodes will support you once they see your bus out there having fun. Take some Dash on your phone and spread it around. Look me up if you need a side kick - I'll ride with you. Sell me the bus when you're done, I'll keep the Dash logo...
  9. C

    Consensus 2017 / NYC - Thread

    Outstanding job Ryan Taylor. I caught part of his presentation on a live twitter feed... very well done! Thanks for towing the line, sir. Keep up the good work, stay focused (don't get distracted).
  10. C

    Privacy first vs transparency first

    I'm glad to see this debate has been discussed by the community (and "settled" through a voting mechanism). Crypto is helping/forcing us (humanity) to come to terms with the transparency vs. privacy debate. This debate is permeating all of society, not just crypto. We all have a natural...
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    I had similar questions. Sounds like a good idea if there is a way to properly verify that they have installed a wallet and shared on social media. Edit: just read the response. Seems like a lot of work to personally call every entrant to the contest?
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    Proposal: Marketing & Communication (April)

    You may be right, but that doesn't necessarily make it a smart marketing investment. The commercial will have to run somewhere to be worthwhile, but those costs haven't been established. If we are just going to upload it to YouTube I don't see the point as we already have plenty of promo vids...
  13. C


    I'm curious what you guys in India think of this recent article... the language is pretty harsh against digital currencies... is this going to have a real impact on Indian digital currency users or is it just media FUD...
  14. C

    Dash Vs Paypal

    Pros - Lower fees - this is probably the biggest advantage Dash has over PayPal IMO. On small transactions especially, PayPal fees and exchange rate arbitrage can approach 10% of the money transferred - No chargeback risk to the seller with Dash (a chargeback is when someone pays you then...
  15. C

    Proposal: Marketing & Communication (April)

    I am also a bit hesitant about the value/cost of a "professional" commercial. Not only is the cost quite high, but most of our target audience probably hate or try to avoid commercials (I do). Plus what will the costs be to run such a commercial and where? I think the money earmarked for the...
  16. C

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    I would definitely vote YES for this proposal if I had a Masternode. Why? Because I would actually use their product. And I think a lot of people would use their product. I can see a big gap starting to bridge between established debit point of sale infrastructure and crypto currency -...
  17. C

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    Calling someone a con artist is a serious accusation. I took a quick look at the links you referenced and didn't find anything sufficient to make such accusations. I also get bored easily and I like motivational speakers - many leaders and entrepreneurs have those traits. What specific...
  18. C

    Budget System (Funding / Voting / DGBB)

    I read somewhere in the forum that unused Treasury funds are "burnt", however, in the documentation it says "If there is money left over in the budget, the system will also support proposals for moving money into a “savings” account managed by a group of people. This will allow us to plan for...
  19. C

    Proposal: Dash to Adoption - 100 Businesses in 100 Days

    This is a good idea. I recently posted a similar idea to the forum (I can't link to it here, I don't have 3 posts yet in order to post links). Basically the idea was to reward anyone who wants to sign up merchants, ideally as a percentage of sales conducted by that merchant using Dash...