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  1. Nitya Sattva

    Reading this forum on a Ultra Wide Screen ?

    To give you a better view on the issue: Resizing usually works but is not always a good or available options. Tiled window manager, embedded browser, tv, ...
  2. Nitya Sattva

    Reading this forum on a Ultra Wide Screen ?

    Even with only half the screen used the text is stretched out so far it is very annoying to read, Most sites with a focus on text content limit the width of the text for a reason. Humans do not like reading long lines and prefer short lines with clear paragraphs. So yha a fast and dirty fix I...
  3. Nitya Sattva - Info and Proposals

    ## (s0.01 - Status Pre-Submission) > Building tools to work with dash in the Go programming language. #### Results * Code repositories with: A tested port of the x11 hash. A functional prototype for a pos server. * Proof of the purchased hardware and tools. ## Budget The budget...
  4. Nitya Sattva

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    Cross post, moving go dev info to an other threa,. x11 hash in go is 'done':
  5. Nitya Sattva

    GoDash - Dev logs and discussion

    The x11 hash is now working in go without c bindings, these is room for performance improvements but with the initial commit I wanted to keep a balance between readability and performance. The original code in the dash client is using the Sphlib from, they include...
  6. Nitya Sattva

    GoDash - Dev logs and discussion

    > provides tools and libraries to interact with the Dash network using the Go language. ## Intro While core develops the main client for Dash most developers know that the code base used by most of the core clients in crypto currencies are ridged and heavy pieces of software to run...
  7. Nitya Sattva

    Dash Lamassu Integration Official Thread

    Who will do this ? People who mean well, people who have the skill and connections to get a product to market without help ? Loads of people are willing to do this and loads of people do this already. If my heating breaks the plumber comes over fixes it and sends me the bill, electricity is...
  8. Nitya Sattva

    Dash Lamassu Integration Official Thread

    Deliver first and pay later, maybe that is the way to vote ;)
  9. Nitya Sattva - Info and Proposals

    ## Intro > provides tools and libraries to interact > with the Dash network using the Go language. A detailed description can be found in the project's dev logs and discussion thread: GoDash - Dev logs and discussion Since this thread is more aimed at investors and those voting on...
  10. Nitya Sattva

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    Linking c code is very easy and has little to no overhead for single threaded code, with multi-threaded code on the other hand it can be a performance killer sins most threads are paused every time a call to c code is being made. With that said I'm going to be poking btcd and the dash client for...
  11. Nitya Sattva

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Morning, I might as well spam here no ? I'm looking to get back in to crypto space after a two year break and Dash seems like the most interesting and *cough* stable place to do this atm. Unlike Molefish above, my writing skills where lost at birth but coding is a passion. Back to lurking :p