Search results

  1. B

    What is up with the CoPay wallet?

    That's not the case. A lot of MN owners are not technical and use services like, Node40 and Splawiks. They need somewhere easy and safe to park the collateral and enter the MN config. A trezor 1 is not suitable for non technical users. Dash Copay on an almost always offline machine...
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    What is up with the CoPay wallet?

    My big question is will dashpay/dash-copay support masternode configuration and operations. I hope so.
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    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    As evidenced by the hundreds of (apparently misguided) discussions about unused budget, almost no one is aware of this. I suggest this be put into the code or at the least formally documented.
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    Pre-proposal: Dash Branding for Sydney Harbour Racing Yacht

    Is there a source for that or did you have to work it out manually?
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    We could do better with the proposals process.

    I think I have a good concept to do something like this or better. A new proposal type that, if approved, recieves a % of the unawarded treasury. Details and discussion here...
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    Variable Amount Proposal - A new budget proposal type that request a % of the unawarded treasury

    Background Large amounts of the treasury going unawarded every month is a missed opportunity to use those funds to dash's advantage. At the same time we reject the idea of approving lower quality proposals or putting the unawarded funds in a general "rainy day fund" because the dash should be...
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    POLL: Best celeb to promote dash

    Joe Rogan. It would be great to get Amanda as a guest on one of his podcasts :)
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    A chat group Dash guy ‘lost’ xxx Dash on a coinomi wallet ?!

    This thread is coming up in google results so I feel like I should say coinomi is sold and recommended by guys like Erik Voorhees. Sounds like the random guy from the internet that we are hearing about second hand from a different random guy on the internet was probably clueless and confusing...